ITT: Looks characters should've kept

Seriously, she looked perfect.

Attached: helga_with_hair_down_by_ilovehelga_d79xawp-fullview.jpg (854x480, 37.8K)

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Helga is a piece of shit that deserved a miserable life.

You sound gay.

>Gave away her Christmas presents to reunite a Vietnamese man she's never even met before & whose name she didn't know with his long lost daughter so that a boy she knows to be selfless & overtly kind won't be sad come Christmas Day, even if no-one will ever show her any thanks for it because no-one knows she did it
>vs poured glue in some kid's hair once
She's basically The Joker, except she probably rapes babies just because she can

Hey Arnold really like weird hair styles.

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Yeah, and we should be able to see her suffer. In a new animated show where that's the focus. It could be called "The Patakis" or something to emphasize that the focus in on Helga's misery.

Attached: VenomCM.jpg (1988x3056, 2.82M)

It's important for the main characters to have distinctive profiles.

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are femcels not a fan of Helga?

My opinion of the show is no different to the critical opinions of the movie..

Helga is a femcel icon.

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Where the tits at?

She's still perfect, bros.

Venom doesnt have tits, user.

When it got on Eddie’s ex fiancé she had tits.


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Just like Marge from Simpsons, wet hair just looks best with cartoons

Rape face.


Just look up She Venom


Nigga, helga looks like a little dude in the OPs pic.
That 100% exposes that the people who are all for her are creeper lesbos/cucks who're looking for a butch/strap on wearer.

Ollie Allen from Ollie's Pack. His normal colors are yellow, orange and smug.

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Name me a single 80s Marvel Costume that shouldn't have become the default look for a character.
Protip: You can't.

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