Seriously, she looked perfect.
ITT: Looks characters should've kept
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Helga is a piece of shit that deserved a miserable life.
You sound gay.
>Gave away her Christmas presents to reunite a Vietnamese man she's never even met before & whose name she didn't know with his long lost daughter so that a boy she knows to be selfless & overtly kind won't be sad come Christmas Day, even if no-one will ever show her any thanks for it because no-one knows she did it
>vs poured glue in some kid's hair once
She's basically The Joker, except she probably rapes babies just because she can
Hey Arnold really like weird hair styles.
Yeah, and we should be able to see her suffer. In a new animated show where that's the focus. It could be called "The Patakis" or something to emphasize that the focus in on Helga's misery.
It's important for the main characters to have distinctive profiles.
are femcels not a fan of Helga?
My opinion of the show is no different to the critical opinions of the movie..
Helga is a femcel icon.
Where the tits at?
She's still perfect, bros.
Venom doesnt have tits, user.
When it got on Eddie’s ex fiancé she had tits.
Just like Marge from Simpsons, wet hair just looks best with cartoons
Rape face.
Just look up She Venom
Nigga, helga looks like a little dude in the OPs pic.
That 100% exposes that the people who are all for her are creeper lesbos/cucks who're looking for a butch/strap on wearer.
Ollie Allen from Ollie's Pack. His normal colors are yellow, orange and smug.
Name me a single 80s Marvel Costume that shouldn't have become the default look for a character.
Protip: You can't.