Okay let's pretend DC suddenly gives up trying to make Cyborg a thing, would you prefer Vixen or Bumblebee getting a push in comics? Honestly I'd read a solo series with either of them, and both have interesting skills, but what are your thoughts? On a related note, how would you make Bumblebee stand out from her more well known Marvel competitor, The Wasp?
Okay let's pretend DC suddenly gives up trying to make Cyborg a thing...
Speaking as a nigga, if Cyborg is going to be swapped, I would prefer a black male superhero to replace him. So between those two I choose neither.
Vixen is way more interesting than another variation of the Atom.
vixen because i like glowy animals
Why specifically a male? Genuinely curious. I like Black Lightning, but I chose the two in the OP partly because it helps the guy/girl ration on the base Justice League roster.
Vixen, she has an interesting powerset.
Why not both?
But DCSHG has really been leaning in on Bumblebee's background as a super genius inventor. That helps differentiate her from Wasp as well as most other female capes from DC.
There's even a transformation sequence in the new show that seems very Kamen Rider
I would love if Bumblebee and Vixen both got pushed. Bumblebee to me already stands out from Wasp with their personalities.
Nice. I actually think her and Wonder Woman would get along quite nicely. Vixen also provides a sort of eco-friendly point of view for the team too.
vixen is way cooler but i get the feeling they'd go for the scientist inventor over the one powered by african tribal magic
Bumblebee if they ditch the shrinking and knock-off Wasp, and go back to bee-themed Iron Man with robot bees.
The shrinking is too ingrained in social consciousness now. She's had it in too many cartoons for them to ditch it
There's no reason she can't also control bee drones while shrinking
You can have both, like said, there's no point on ditching it at this point.
Bumblebee, DC lacks superscientists as heroes, she is way more versatile.
He does not enjoy BLEACHED.
Why not just push them all? Also Vixen got pushed long before and during Cyborg's push.
Bee drones are cool
Yeah but that was short lived. I think she’s have a better shot now
I would prefer Static I suppose
>DC suddenly gives up trying to make Cyborg a thing
He's been on Odyssey for at least two years now. They stopped trying to make him a thing and just have him on a team book. Pretty sure his ongoing also ended a while back.
Wasn't he also on Snyder's Justice League at the time?
First issue only but then it became a copy of the JL cartoon roster.
>I think she’s have a better shot now
She led the JLI then the JLA under Batman. How much better could she have it by being WW's black girlfriend on the Justice League?
I've see a couple of Vixen storytimes here and they were pretty decent.
>She led the JLI then the JLA
Unfortunately team books like that suck. She'd fair better with a solo.
>Under Batman
This is another thing that gets old. I'm tired of teams being babysat by Bruce
>I would prefer a black male superhero to replace him
Both are boring picks
Are there any other characters (or black females since that's what OP is focused on) that have more of a dynamic personality? Personality-wise who are the 'Guy Gardeners' of DC superheroines?
>Both are boring picks
Your opinion.
>Who are the "Guy Gardeners" of DC heroines
Define what you mean by that?
Fire is a brash, hot-tempered type.
>how would you make Bumblebee stand out from her more well known Marvel competitor, The Wasp?
Give her an ass bigger than Powergirls tits
She squaks about body positivity and gender theory on occasion while she occasionally gets her hips stuck in tight spaces
>Make Bumblebee the Powergirl of ASS
I second this