Why trannies are so obsessed with making webcomics about themselves?

Why trannies are so obsessed with making webcomics about themselves?

Attached: portside.png (800x1029, 853.38K)

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A character needing to make a long ass speech to show the reader their backstory and how they feel is sign of hackness or autism from the author

Or just social retardation, which is most comic fans.

>or autism
Disregard that, I suck cocks.

Same reason why all women make webcomics about themselves.

They replace character feature with one defining trait

i'm a retard so you're gonna have to spoonfeed it for me


They fill a quota for "representation" set by middle school librarians. If they just made good stories they wouldn't have any audience because they'd face more competition.

A better question would be, why trannies abuse the webcomic medium in order to expoit their own psychological and emotional issues instead of seeking a therapist. It's exatly like that furry webcomic craze of mid 2000's.

You don't have to leave the house or talk to anyone to make a webcomic.

I really doubt those webcomics are for middle school children, really.

>It's exatly like that furry webcomic craze of mid 2000's.
That's a good point. For now we have trannies and fake rpg themed webcomics which has replaced the gamer webcomics and furries.

Trannies can't reproduce naturally so they have to be really loud about being freaks so other mentally disturbed people copy their delusion.

>people who refuse to learn the meaning of sex, male and female
>prefer to invent words and shit like "gender" that can conveniently only exist if you believe in it
>are massive egomaniacs with little sense of self respect and logic
you don"t say?

They know writing is easy but never improve because they know writing good is hard.

Most of them argue and think more about their protags' gender than the story.

Lots of trannies are autistic, and their obsession is "gender" instead of something normal like Sonic the Hedgehog.

Same reason why you made a thread about a comic nobody knows or cares about. You just want the attention.

Attached: 1334635511685.png (298x222, 110.5K)

>All trannies are autistic

I don't know, but the ones that aren't can make some solid stuff.

Attached: phoebe and her unicorn.png (914x291, 123.43K)

narcissistic personality disorder

Why dumb foreigners are constantly trying to post with their poor grasp of the English language?

Post the one where she talks about how she'll play the vidya. I've seen it as a reaction image on Yas Forums.

Why are all the narcissistic sociopaths on Yas Forums so obsessed with having threads about them?

>trying to post
Same reason why Yas Forumsfags are so devoid of logic.

>Why is nobody listening to my great story of finding who I really am?
>I know I'll make a shitty noodleart webcomic hamfistedly explaining why I, as a transperson, am so great because I'm trans through terrible allegories with characters that represent all two of my defining personality traits: talking about trans shit and bitching about everything else
>Donate to my patreon or you're a bigot
That's why.

a lot of writer like to make stuff about themselves, it's not exclusive to trans.

After all, creative work serve to express yourself. So there is nothing wrong with that.

>Stop changing our media to fit your tranny agenda
>Why are they making comics about themselves?!
It's not a good comic or anything but God you pols are fucking retarded.

>a lot of writer like to make stuff about themselves
Because writing good is hard and it's easier to just make bad writing and throw in virtue signaling to make it look better.

>>Why is nobody listening to my great story of finding who I really am?
Nowhere is the writer complaining about that.
>>Donate to my patreon or you're a bigot
Nor that.

You are just making up stuffs so you can pretend you have reasons to hate the one behind it.

Trannies are narcissists first and foremost.
Why do you think they crusade for "muh proper pronouns, muh true gender" shit?
Mtfs are 100% narcissists.
ftms usually dont care and are rare as fuck but still prone to that garbage.
and the stories are always the same.

Writing good or bad has nothing to do with being autobiographical
>virtue signaling
No such thing. the word you are looking for is "hypocrisy", but, unlike "virtue signalling", it's something you have to prove.

>Trannies are narcissists first and foremost.
Not really see Many writer write about themselves because they use their work to express themselves. There is nothing wrong, there.

Gender was always a real term, it was just used interchangeably with sex until John Money further pioneered transgender studies started during the weimar period in germany by graciously sexually abusing two twins after a botched circumcision destroyed the penis of one of them.

Stop justifying objectively bad writing. Writing about yourself is 4/5 times wish fulfillment fluff, not good writing.

However trannies seem to have a special interest for the medium.

Holy shit learn to write english.
Many writers have a lot more to say about themselves and what they think other than "I want to be the little girl". That is why they're far more interesting and not as narcissistic.

Their lives are boring and meaningless, but they think if they make a comic about it people might find it interesting, therefore their lives really are interesting.

>Trannies exist in popular media
>"why don't they make their own stuff? stop ruining ours!"
>Trannies make their own stuff to talk about being trannies
>"why are they so obsessed with making their own stuff?"
>Trannies make content without ever mentioning they're trans
>you faggots complain

Seriously, how can you be as annoying as fucking trannies? That was supposed to be impossible.

Why are you so obsessed with trannies that you're reading their shitty webcomics? Go outside.

>Stop justifying objectively bad writing
I am justifying nothing, simply pointing out a fact:
Using your work to express yourself is pretty common.

>seem to have a special interest for the medium.
Most webcomic writers aren't trans, so not really.

>However trannies seem to have a special interest for the medium.
Because in full honesty, writing is the easiest to get into. I say this as an inspiring writer that writing is an easy thing to do. That doesn't change the fact that writing good is very hard.

lol fuck off, this is an 18+ website.

Writing about yourself is a terrible idea unless you have a joyce-tier talent or something that you have worth writing about yourself. Other than that, it's boring and doesn't serve any reason. So, no. No one likes to read about some guy who lives on east coast and decided to chop his penis off for entirely personal reasons which are completley foreign for the reader.

t. /lit/fag

>Many writers have a lot more to say about themselves and what they think other than "I want to be the little girl".
Irrelevant. People can express themselves though different work and media if they want to, regardless of who they are.

Writing is to express yourself, that it please a public or not is secondary. No one is forcing you to read it.

>Writing about yourself is a terrible idea
No, it isn't. a lot of work is about expressing yourself.

>Most webcomic writers aren't trans, so not really.
Have you checked Twitter lately?


>Have you checked Twitter lately?
I am not obsessed by trans to the point I only specifically hunt down what they do, so I end up having mostly cis people artist I follow. Which make sense, seeing most people aren't trans.

Not everyone is scouring twitter for every tranny webcomic they can find so they can go cry about it on Yas Forums.

No one gives a single fuck about you or how you feel. Like I say, it's only relevant when:

- if you have a special literary talent in expressing yourself (trannies as with majority of people usually lack this one)
- if people are interested about you (and that is certainly not the case in here)

So what you should do? Tell something else instead about yourself. It's more easier and entertaining.