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Do you agree?

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Didn't Mordecai eventually have kids and marry and Finn stayed an incel?

Finn was a massive simp though people only bring up that one out of context scene of Regular Show without considering Adventure Time

Finn isn't an incel. He sleeps with LSP in Breezy.

Getting raped doesn't make him not an incel

I honestly don't think any of them were "Simps" tho.

>He sleeps
user he was raped lmao

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He didn't get raped he was messing with a bunch of girls to try to get over FP and ended up staying with LSP in the woods.

I like both Finn and Mordecai.

Would this episode produce even more outrage if it was Fionna instead of Finn?


That doesn’t count because I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have a vagina

He's male so the sjws are ok with him being abused

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Baby with those lumps she don't need one

>Do you agree?

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really finn was a huge simp

Kinda obvious when pen left. Finn did nothing but suffer for being a male.

naaa of course nop
don't try to imitate me faggot

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>shit eating faggots screencaping their own social media to repost on the board with "how does it make you fell lmao you mad make the karma rain hecking bros XD"
we Yas Forums now.

>he was raped by LSP
FTFY, but yeah he's not an incel

I'd much prefer to be an incel than be a victim of rape too bad that's no longer a choice for me

Mordechais entire early show character is bending over backwards trying to unsuccessfully get definitive mediocre pussy.

Tell us more user

Enjoy the ban, fucktard

Remember in 2010-2012 when noodle limbs and dot eyes were CalArts style and Finn was the posterboy for CalArts?

No one does, nevermind

finn was a horny lil preteen/teen boy who grew up w hardly any adult presence n has trouble with his judgement and emotions

can u really compare

Finn was turning down hordes of royal pussy and chasing the tails nigh-immortal demigods and physical manifestations of natural forces.

He's the anti-simp.

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Mordecai got dumped, acted like a whiny faggot, got married offscreen and has an entire family filled with RBF.

Mordecai has a relatively normal life but he fucks up royally all the time with normal chicks.
Finn was born into a world full of man eaters with extreme baggage, he barely stands a chance.

I almost exclusively see the word "simp" mentioned on this board in reference to Mordecai and it really feels like it's one faggot pushing it really hard