Is it even possible to be an X-Fag if you're not a fan of the minority allegory angle?
Is it even possible to be an X-Fag if you're not a fan of the minority allegory angle?
Yeah especially given its clumsiness and inconsistency.
Works pretty well as a nazi book. Especially now.
They're a bunch of genetically superior white people. What minority allegory?
As a white male I feel there suffering even more in this day and age
These days no.
just read claremont and ignore all the rest
Honestly it probably should be dropped- at least as a major plot point. Claremont, who introduced the concept, did it best and every other attempt has been alright at best and fucking terrible at worst. It also doesn't make sense in the greater Marvel Universe. Like people hate mutants for having powers but other heroes get a free pass. I know spider-man has Jameson but he always seems to be a really vocal outlier
People claiming to be a minority are ego maniacal dumb shits, stinking up society and dividing it.
Unfortunately, at this time, it does seem difficult to be an x-fag while this moronic rhetoric of minority complex is stinkin everything up.
However, HoXPox has blown the minority allegory the fuck out, it's just the x-fags are in a state of denial and are trying (desperately n frantically) to deny it.
The mutants are now a small nation, not african american, not gays, not dorks, they're but a small nation now, deal with it faggots.
Hickman used Storm with black power imagery to distract from his slight of hand and emotionally blackmailed the orchis mission characters fanbases to accept it all, mad lad.
Hickman and JDW do seem to be feeble cucks tho : / so I cant be arsed to give a shit about what they produce.
And the minority allegory was always about Storm/maggot/gay characters/pocs fanboys being manipulative.
You can just like the hot drawings of women.
It has more in common with anti-white brainwashing, white genocide and lesser beings who are jealous of the white man’s superiority so they want him destroyed. There I fixed it for you.
>Pretending it's not Israeli
Magneto is jewish, far from white. I know what you are trying to do shlomo but it won't work.
It was the "minority allegory" that Hickman thought had broken the franchise.
He ain't wrong.
Hickman did much worse
so he went into it without understanding the core concept
>minority allegory
>core concept
You have to go back.
DESU, I don't think the minority angle is what got the characters that popular. I think they just had defined personalities and power sets that made them work.
I mean, hell, Dark Phoenix is one of the most popular X-Men stories, yet it hardly has anything to do with a race metaphor.
>Pretending it's not Israeli
There's a difference nowadays?
Germans were quicker about it
>The mutants are now a small nation
Because the reasons. The same reasons why people are hate all mutants regardless of their appearance / personality. And the reason is colled nothing, there is no reason for this to happen, just another example of shit writting. And another reason to stop reading Marvel's comics.
Drop this fucking meme.
Every single hero in the MU has to deal with public perception biting them in the ass. It's a major plot point. For most of their history the Avengers existed as a power bloc to keep the US government from doing what they did with the Initiative and always had world governments on their backs. Captain America spends all of his time torn between his ideals and the ugly realities of service. The F4 have to deal with international diplomacy and people constantly trying to take advantage of their work and fantastic natures. Every street level hero has to worry about public relations, Jameson's just the one that gets into the movies. Half of Hulk's antagonists are people entirely reasonably wanting him gone or at least contained.
Can it be done better? Absolutely. But one of the major problems with the X-Men sort of living in their own sphere since the 90s is people who primarily read X-Men came up not realizing that the whole Marvel U has to deal with horseshit from the people they protect, and the X-Men's treatment is just one facet of the greater, "Being a costumed do-gooder freaks people out." narrative.
Mutants are a good allegory for anyone who ever feels different or weird or misunderstood at large. That's why they're teenagers, and that's why their stories translate into minority and queer themes so easily.
The thing modern writers forget is that each Marvel group's thing doesn't have to be EVERY story about them. Sometimes Spider-Man doesn't have to be tortured by his guilt complex, and not every X-Men story has to be the Morlock Massacre.
Aye, I feel bad for Wolverines and Scotts fans and frens.
I think cyke fans fumed and ranted at Hickman after cyke got his neck snapped by Doom in secret wars. Hickman is being a dick towards cyke and his fans.
Nah, the core concept was fear of what radiation could do, and then the attitudes and judgments towards those innocents affected.
I don't blame young uns for thinking that minority allegory is a "core concept", as it's been the franchises selling point for a long while now.
yes. it not touched upon as much as people make it out to be. Most of claremonts run was just random shit
this so fucking hard
how DENSE are people to completely ignore how every single marvel character gets shit
>Every single hero in the nuMU has to deal with public perception biting them in the ass.
fix for the sake of great justice. And it wasn't a big deal until Marvele was infected by libtards, and then it became fashionable to portray all the heroes (not just Spider-Man and X-Men) as victims of the mass media. It is nothing more than showing Marvel's point of view on their own fans, where fans = mass media.
>other heroes get a free pass
oh for fuck sake when will this meme die?
Especially Erik
Best way to make Mutants happen is to make Krakoa the land for Mutants/mutates/normies married to them, have it be a lot of portals that lead to the moon, where the mutants are all living, or same thing but instead of the moon move every mutant to Shi’ar space. If Inhumans can leave Earth so can mutants.