What's Yas Forums's honest opinions on the Legend of Korra?
What's Yas Forums's honest opinions on the Legend of Korra?
Shitters still seething is my opinion kek
Shit sucks
Good villains, terrible execution, worse main character.
Show needed to prove they could make Korra grow with airbending lessons, failed, then it kept getting worse at it.
As an unwillingly chaste individual it made me seethe 2bh
not enough Equalists
not enough Amon
not enough adventure ( ATLA was in a different part of the world every episode )
too much generic love stuff
Season 1: That was pretty good for a short series, wish they hadn't crammed the last ep worth of shitty villain backstory out of nowhere, but other than that it was good
Season 2: shitty animation, shittier character interactions, actually didn't hate the kaiju fight, was ok
Season 3: great fights, but the characters are all planks of wood yet they kept adding more and more and more
Season 4: I regretted ever defending the series to anyone by the end of it.
There's nothing in this world worse than wasted potential
Disappointing then shit
I thought it was a good series. Season 2 kept it from being great.
I love Korra's body
It's shit
i’ve never seen avatar or korra why is avatar good while korra is bad?
All shippers must hang
A team of writers and editors who could also the creators around when they had a bad idea, and knew how to fit character development into a story about adventure of the week style travels with friends along the way
Now just the creators who want to show that their original ideas sell better than what their previous collaborators forced them to capitulate on. Attempts at season long forced drama, and poorly developed characters despite the fact that a lack of changing environment should make for more reliance on the character growth and drama. Changes just for the sake of changes.
Rian Jonson level shit.
avatar = original star wars trilogy
great vision made successful not just by creators but by all the talented people who brought on to work on it
korra = sequel trilogy
still a good vision but with a botched execution because creators decided to do everything themselves; pandered to the worst parts of the fanbase constantly. as a result it never lived up to its potential
S3 and first few eps of S4: Enjoyable
S1 and rest of S4: Meh
S2: Shit
This, but more scathing.
Book 1: 4/10
Book 2: 3/10
Book 3: 6/10
Book 4: 5/10
It is shit but people can't agree why.
>What's Yas Forums's honest opinions on the Legend of Korra?
Didn't watch but I guess I wouldn't mind fucking her.
There's something about Katara that makes her superior though.
She's shorter
>imagine still defending Korrasami
Most of my knowledge of Avatar lore comes from rule 34. Pic-related is canon right?
It would be alright show if it's not served as the sequel of ATLA
I would have set it in an entirely new universe, give Korra a different powerset etc. In my mind it just doesn't fit with the Avatar world we saw in ATLA.
Oh look, yet another whorra thread to hide.
So that means the next animated series they try after the netflix show bombs will be a prequel series?
that sounds almost even more terrible
Not bad if you don't compare it to the original for the most part. Season 4 was fucking atrocious though.
This pretty much