This is the most viewed cartoon on youtube

This is the most viewed cartoon on youtube

say something nice about it

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Do kids/parents actually watch this stuff?

is that a girl
that's pretty hot

I kid you not they just search ''videos for kids'' on youtube then give the tablet to the infant to keep them busy

I saw this with my own two eyes once when I came into the house of an indian couple to preach the good news.

many parents lack common sense and responsibilities

Have 2 year old nephew, he watches the shit outta this kinda crap

and you're not preventing him from doing so because ?
we have ressources like kimcartoon and you can chose the show he can watch, you have no excuse

My kid watches it some times. I wouldn't use it as a learning tool but it entertains enough. Kids like music and singing.

That said I interact with my kid a lot and he hardly has screen time and I teach him the important stuff like numbers colours and abc.

What do you suggest my kid watches? He watches Arthur and the OG pbs magic school bus.

They probably buy views to inflate its popularity.

I miss when Masha and the Bear were the most viewed, atleast I could enjoy that.

These are good.
You could add Madeline, Caillou, Clifford, PB&J, the Big Blue House, Big Bag, Dora the Explorer, the Berenstain Bears and My Little Pony.
Give him a little variety.

My little sister loves this and my parents always put it on just to calm her down to eat her food.

>to preach the good news.
Please tell me you didn't push it down their throats?

That's gonna come back and bite them in the ass lad.

Why is that?


Because she doesn't stay focused on those cartoons for long. She genuinely is more intrested in A nursery rhyme than Arthur.

So instead of teaching her to developp her focusing skills you're giving in to her flaw ? When she grows up she'll be the one who fails at school because of your lack of correctly raising a child.

1)user I dont think you know how to raise a kid and also she is a 2 year old.

2)user she is my sister not my kid.

3) How is forcing her to watch Arthur going to in any way help her in school.

I am like 85% you are retardrd

Keep playing dumb. If you want to ignore my help and want her to become a brainless post-zoomer social media zombie then so be it.

Not him, but when I was a kid I kept watching the same VHS tapes over and over. It's nothing new and the problems you mention do not come from kids watching a lot of cartoons, but parents not doing anything else with them because they want to have peace and quiet. If you actually spend time with your kid every day, then it'll be fine.

I will accept your help when you provide some thing useful

1) cook your sister's favorite dish
2) put on Gummi Bears on the TV while she eats

>My Little Pony.
Die you degenerate barneyfag

whats your problem

That is something i Can and have done

Lol Anglo trash

>preach the good news
>many parents lack common sense
It's almost impossible for me to believe you didn't post this ironically. Almost.

What fucking part of showing up at someone's house to bother them about your imaginary friend who wants you to follow his rules for the rest of your life is not pushing it down their throats?

You okay, user?

Then problem solved, stop giving views to those atrocious money laundering videos

Like others have said, parents don't always want to spend time with their kids (or don't have the time to do so) and just throw them in a corner with an expensive tablet and let them watch "kid videos" or some similar search term for the rest of the day. Before the YouTube Kids system got introduced fairly recently, they'd just go on for hours thanks to autoplay leading them to new shitty videos. That + underground clickfarms in asian countries give these things tons of views which, combined with their names which are always nonsensical word combinations featuring KIDS and BABY and whatever, makes them super easy to find.

Attached: thai clickfarm.jpg (735x500, 81K)