>The closest word to "kind" in Tamaranean is "weak" and Tamaraneans are basically shown as violent space Vikings
>Val Yor is somehow wrong for hating them
>Starfire saves his life and he realizes she's one of the good ones
>Humbly acknowledges that she is one of the good ones
>The Titans get asshurt that he didn't do a 180 on a race of violent warmongers because one of them was good
I often see this episode get cited as a great depiction of racism in a TV show, but Val Yor did nothing wrong. Was he supposed to throw away all his knowledge and experiences on Tamaraneans just because one saved his life? How was humbly admitting he was wrong, thanking and complimenting Starfire the wrong thing to do?
Val Yor
because niggers have feelings too, just stunted.
Shh user, we're not allowed to admit that certain races are more aggressive, violent or impulsive than others and that's an objectively bad thing.
Acknowledging facts like that, no matter how obviously true they are, is racist.
Maybe the Tamaraneans should stop acting like hood rats and blaming their problems on the Vernathian. Always playing the species card in an attempt to push a narrative.
>he realizes she's one of the good ones
Based on "Go!," she's no different from the rest of them. Which means the rest of them should be no different from her, were they able to experience Earth and real kindness. They all have the potential to be "good," basically, and if they don't, then Starfire's still "bad."
You can tell the episode was written by someone extremely redpilled, of course the final edit and vetting make him seem like he was in the wrong, but it's enough to make people think
Any space sector with Tamaraneans in it is a bad space sector and should be avoided. Any planet named after famous Tamaranean activists should also be avoided.
Are you saying it's Earth culture and not Tamaranean genetics?
What is, the source of her changing? It's something that ISN'T a crush-or-be-crushed warrior culture. Earth just happened to be the one she found.
user.. Yas Forums is not scientific
funniest part was when Cyborg talked to Starfire about it and said "I'm half robot"
Victor would had avoided the robot std if he didn’t have unprotected sex with s robot.
Is it weird my first thought was 'ah right of course'
Why did editorial make Major Force look like this guy?
Who said anything about Yas Forums? Other user was right, it's not politically correct for anybody to sight any kind of evidence that might prove a genetic predisposition to certain behavior, no matter how well vetted or researched, no matter if it's positive or negative. Lefty-Yas Forums couldn't say humanity is genetically predisposed to willpower, as an example, no matter how disproportionate our representation in the Green Lantern Corp is.
Maybe it would be considered politically correct if the evidence for genetic differences between races causing differences in intelligence and the like had any validity at all. There isn't good data for that and it's difficult/impossible to account for the impact of society vs. genetics when it comes to human behavior.
No lefty would dispute black people have a higher risk of sickle cell anemia, but claiming they are more aggressive or stupid due to genetics is completely unfounded.
In the new 52 I think they played a little with the concept of the Tanareneans being discriminated.
He was prejudiced and was mean to her for no reason before knowing what she was like, that was what was wrong.
>No lefty would dispute black people have a higher risk of sickle cell anemia,
you would be surprised
>but claiming they are more aggressive or stupid due to genetics is completely unfounded.
Black people aren't doing a good job at proving them wrong
he isn't obligated to be nice to everyone he meets.
True, but he liked the others and hated her specifically because of her race.
Because her race is a bunch of violent conquerors.
So what, he can have his own views and opinions.
He was wrong and admitted to being wrong but didn't have the brains to make the connection to judge people on a case by case basis.
Consider this...
If you met a black dude in public. Would you call them a dirty jobless needs to go back to africa with the other monkeys nigger to their face?
He was only "wrong" because the liberal writers decided he was. Nothing he did in that episode was actually wrong.
Because tamaranians are known for being violent, primitive backwards savages. Theyre basically space niggers
Na user thats you
no because It's not socially acceptable right now, maybe soon when americans have had enough of their shit
Even hinting at the violent history of whites gets met with loud squeals by the woke crowd.
t.Guy I don't know so I will call him a dumbo
Less good rats more violent space snwniggers who are vaguely modeled after vilings.
But that's okay that their magical nonexistant white adjacent race is more violent.
At least they arent space negroes.
As long as they
Son, this is a board about cartoons. Go back to Yas Forums with that off-topic edge.
Whites have had a very peaceful history jew.
Because it is bad candy for certain long nosed people.
Because everybody wants to forget Major Force
he's talking about a cartoon that has a political message
go back to your safe space if differing views scare you so much
Black people would be more then willing to go back to africa actually.
Blacks are not part of the american dream until they need slaves or sex.
They are here for good user whether you like it or not.
Its an episode with an inherently political message, so politics will be part of the discussion
not for long
> Black people would be more then willing to go back to Africa actually.
Where the fuck did you get this from user? I'm not going to that hellhole.
And how exactly is that going to happen user and when?
>Black people would be more then willing to go back to africa actually.
then why do they keep on bitching about being victims instead of going to africa?
>Blacks are not part of the american dream
>Not wanting a slave to cook you fried chicken
Theres literally a back to africa movement among the radical pro black nutjob crowd.
Good luck bringing slavery back though
>Radicals believe stupid shit.
Say it ain't so user.
They'll never go back, they know they'd have to actually work in africa.
I'd like it if more racist straw men become humbled and changing instead of being cast out.