>Steven murders Jasper and attempts to murder White Diamond
>He gets hugged out of his sadness and is never held accountable for his actions whatsoever
What kind of shitty writing is this?
Steven murders Jasper and attempts to murder White Diamond
I mean to be fair both tried to kill him I think they can call it even
>it's another shit universe thread
>see thread about show he doesn't enjoy
>goes into thread anyways
Fuck you shitnigger, go to one of the million already made diaper universe threads on this shit board
You finished? I mean it's so much self-pity, user. You sound like you're making excuses for going on to SU threads
>Jasper respects him for doing that
>White Diamond caused literally every bit of suffering in the universe and he never ACTUALLY was in danger of shattering her
Good show OP, usually it takes 50 posts before retardation sets in but you've done it in one.
So did Lapis, Peridot, the other Diamonds, Bismuth and his own moms.
He seeked out hobo Jasper in the woods and he agreed to control WD, no one made him go to them except himself
So because a suicidal homeless war vet wants you to kill them, it's alright to do that?
Why didn't he wanna kill WD when she was in hitler mode
Future was an awful portrayal of mental illness and PTSD, it basically it telling kids that mentally ill people have revenge fantasies, they commit murder, they're sadistic and in the end they WILL turn into a monster
It also tells mentally ill teenagers that the best way to move on from having a mental breakdown and killing somebody is by moving away from your friends and family and traveling the world on your own
I love how SUF has brought out all the crazies crying about how Steven Universe of all things is being mean to them. Crazy people are a danger to society and they need to either stop being crazy or locked up in a asylum.
Yes trannies will do all those things
>Future was an awful portrayal of mental illness and PTSD
the 2 things aren't exclusive, but Steven had just PTSD
>it basically it telling kids that mentally ill people have revenge fantasies
Steven has it because he was in the same room with his abuser, all the PTSD people go crazy if they are in the same room with their abuser
Adn Steven wasn't shown to be in the right but in the wrong all the time
>they commit murder,
He didn't murder anyone that couldn't be healed
>they're sadistic
Steven was shown having shame in it
>and in the end they WILL turn into a monster
That's because Steven is half gem and human, PTSD can turn people into violent and ignoring it for portraying them as angels that can do no wrong is dangerous to people that deal with them
>It also tells mentally ill teenagers
Steven was never shown to be a good role model
>that the best way to move on from having a mental breakdown and killing somebody is by moving away from your friends and family and traveling the world on your own
He didn't kill.
And no, the best way is going to a fucking therapist as Steven told, and he is still listening to the therapist online while traveling in the world
>I love how SUF has brought out all the crazies crying about how Steven Universe of all things is being mean to them.
He isn't right, he is being mean to them, because he feels they aren't giving him what he needs, that is understanding and support
>Crazy people are a danger to society and they need to either stop being crazy or locked up in a asylum.
He didn't stop to being "crazy", he goes to a therapist and was never in an asylum
that's a personal opinion
That's pretty based and believeinstevenpilled
>a Diamond
>being held accountable
so you are saying it was a allegory for rape. he didnt murder anyone that couldnt be healed, he was shown have shame,he wasnt a good role model and he decides to move away from the people he hunted on to feel beter about himself.
interesting. I agree with you, Steven is a rapist.
Imagine if the main character of a kid's show became evil and brutally raped another character at the end of an episode and then in the next episode the rape victim fell in love with the main character for raping her but this never went acknowledged as weird or wrong and nobody cared about the rape victim but everybody felt bad for the main character and he never faced any criticism or repercussions for raping somebody
Would that be fucked up or what?
>Future was an awful portrayal of MAN ARE EVIL!!!!!!!!!!
>attempts to murder White Diamond
>not an attempt of Self-Harm on Steven's part
>he didnt murder anyone that couldnt be healed, he was shown have shame,he wasnt a good role model and he decides to move away from the people he hunted on to feel beter about himself.
No, gems are to submisive for that
SUfaggots are fanatical, just as bad as horsefuckers, don't attempt to reason with them, they'll suck Rebecca Sugar's and her Gary Stu's dicks until the heat death of the universe
Yeah but Steven Universe is based
There is no writing, it's storyboarding and I am so sad about all of it.
Well, he says something to that effect in "Everything's fine".
Also I need to point out Jasper consciously led him towards that confrontation for DAYS. She literally asked for it and was happy when it had happened.
He is a teenage boy. People forget that aspect. A cauldron of emotions.
And he instantly broke down when he shattered her.
But yes, it is fucked-up.
Would have been nice to learn a little more about what the gems really are and why they are the way they are. Yes, that would have been nice.
Cartoons are about accountability now? If perfect justice isn't done then the writing is bad?
How the fuck do you watch most things, not even just animation but literally fucking anything with this retarded mindset?
What is with you fuckwits and blind authoritarianism? Would punishing Steven have accomplished anything? No. So that's why it didn't fucking happen. Jasper actually LIKED being killed. Go chain yourself to your bed and rot you subhuman retard.
Watching characters commit a shit ton of crimes and get away with them takes away enjoyment and makes the characters unlikeable, that's why the Diamonds, Lapis and now Steven have become incredible disliked characters. Newer cartoons are making characters commit worst atrocities while making them redeemable, old cartoons never did this and this trend is annoying
Your'e dumb