Forgotten Shows

Let's discuss shows that have been pretty much forgotten by most people.

Pic related, Edgar and Ellen.

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Does anyone have a recording of all the nicktoons short film festivals?

Like the forgotten shows, this thread is forgotten

i got the DVDs for this show
can stream them some time

Cool. How many episodes did it get?

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I don't think they ever finished the books for this

is that Candace

I unironically liked that show. Never read the books, though. I wonder how it holds up.

Please do

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I used to read some of the books in middle school. Pretty good. Much more imteresting than the cartoon 2bh.


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I actually liked this one.

The books are much better. Check them out if you can find them.


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>Gothic styled toon
>Edgar and Ellen
>Edgar Allan Poe
Oh man, i just got it

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Is this a reboot of H-B's The Impossibles?

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You wish.

First time I've seen that poster. They really should've banked more on Riya in the show's PR as the token female of the group post-reveal. I know a lot of people who didn't give it a chance because it was too "boy-oriented".

It's annoying how WB lets a lot of its IPs rot. We almost got a serious action Space Ghost cartoon almost 10 years ago.

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Never watched this, didn't even realise it was a cartoon, but I read some of the books when I was younger. They had a mildly ASOUE feel to them. I used to love the lore/mystery vibe to them too, questions that never got answered.
Don't think I finished the book series. Maybe I got too old for them.
What happens in the end? Does it end?

a full season and the halloween special

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The books had like a sequel series that I am not sure if it ended.

People still remember. They just talk about Susie.

god, some of those were so good. I'd kill any one of you here if I could get a full list of those shorts.
>that headless dog poem

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Shame this show got cancelled by butthurt Christians.

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not cartoon but long forgotten

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