Comic ideas

If representation matters, where is our white trash midwestern superhero? I want to write a comic starring a white trash superhero. Lives in the Midwest, battles alcoholism on and off, maybe a magic or high tech trailer that transports him throughout small towns that don’t get visits from regular superheroes. He breaks meth rings, human trafficking, etc.

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Other urls found in this thread: from the midwest set in small towns

whats his motive? anti heroes are bullshit

As someone that lives in the midwest it's fucking boring here. Plus suburbia and small town centers are not interesting backdrops.

His arch rival, not nemesis, is florida man, who sometimes beats him to saving the day in even wackier and weirder way

Idk lost his family after a superhero never showed up in time. So he dedicated his life to patrolling one region of the US so that would never happen again
But a conglomeration of them could be made interesting, at least for a limited run
And Florida man gets a lot more media attention

>where is our white trash midwestern superhero?

its a batman/ superman dynamic, but bad

Mark Millar and John Arcudi already did that.
The prior was basically just smalltown Superboy, the latter turned insane murder rapist.

Kentucky is Appalachia/South. I’m thinking Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Indiana

Tom King turned him into a monster

Attached: heroes_in_crisis_cv1_mockup-p_2018.jpg (1047x1572, 493.62K) from the midwest

his cover job is pest control

They always get transplanted somewhere else. I’m thinking they STAY in those areas. Since when do you ever hear of a hero saving the day in Kansas City? I’d want to focus on even smaller towns than that set in small towns

I want it

Man the one thing that always depresses me about suburbia in the midwest is that it all looks identical. You drive into a suburb in freakin Aurora and it'll look exactly like a suburb outside of Cleveland.

New developments in low-cost of living areas will always look the same. Only old cities with blocks built before there was a nationwide hyperculture will look different. I’m not a fan either but it’s just how it works

Oh man what a wealth of results similar to what’s being described. There’s so many of them. Oh my god I’m drowning in how many results are popping up. Upvote for you good sir!

I’m at a loss for superpowers though. Maybe he can control his chest, arm, mullet, and mustache hairs extend and fight with like Poison Ivy vines or something

Maybe his ace in the hole is his sentient trailer fan turn into a mech?

>Powergirl the absolute titty monster that she is manages to draw the eye eventhough she's at the back of the cover

>thinking new capeshit character is going to be a hit in 2020

No no no, representation only matters for non-white people user

I had an idea for an Adam X the Extreme series revolving around him being a white trash, Z-list superhero set in rural Pennsylvania, does that count?

Geographically wrong, but overall he'd work for the general concept. A super who works the parts of the country ignored by the other supers.

He is just white trash batman with physical/jerry rigged means, to florida superman powers

So Uncle Grandpa for adults?

His catchphrase will be “I’m gonna kick your ass”

There's a wigger mutant, does that count

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Xstatix was ahead of its time

>white trash midwestern superhero
Superman is from Kansas