Did you prefer the comic or the film adaptation?
Did you prefer the comic or the film adaptation?
way too different to be compared
Thanos Quest.
When you realize how IG became an very inflated event by editorial mandate it starts to unravel.
There's way too many cameos and too much nothing going on in IG a lot of the time.
I loved TQ. Any recommendations for something similar? I’ve read very little Marvel. Deep space cosmic type adventure stories
A Villain's journey done like TQ? Not much outside of more of Starlin's Thanos but it's never met the same eloquence since, but a mad man long ago gave me this to navigate in terms of the cosmic marvel landscape.
how would you make it less bloated?
Comic, no contest. But admittedly has somewhat of a point given the vast difference.
Film adaptation was all MUH DEPOPULATION AGENDA and done so stupidly and heavy handidly that it hurt to think about.
I got into comics with Infinity Gauntlet 5.
I still have it.
It became the lens through which I saw all sci-fantasy and all heroic lead characters in all media of the type.
Seeing him in the movie felt wrong.
Only mystic and cosmic heroes answer Warlock's call, plus the revived and returned Elders out for revenge by the hand of the abstracts, so great as the moments and deaths as they had Cap, Iron Man, Cyclops, Hulk, Spidey and Wolverine are sitting it out.
No preamble with the snap, Thanos being too distracted in his new toy and theatrics for Death's notice was amusing for a bit but it dragged and we already got the irony of his hang up by the end of Thanos Quest.
No preamble with Warlock's plan, as soon as the heroes are gathered they go right for a blitz, but instead of the Earth heroes as a weakly excused distraction, it's the full fury of the abstracts and gods responding to Thanos' threat.
Thanos becomes Super Eternity to dispel them once he realizes he's being surrounded, instead of Nebula grabbing the gauntlet Warlock speaks to Thanos' soul in the soul dimension to meet as equals and persuade him same as he did in the Sanctum, except this time Thanos refuses to accept the truth and Warlock reveals that like the blitz before he knew he couldn't get through to Thanos and has simply been distracting him from realizing Warlock's physical body was stealing the gauntlet.
Same end, but swifter.
I'd keep Terraxia because Thanos needs something else to do when he isn't farming if you know what I mean
Thanos was a better character in IW. I didn't like how he kept simping for Death in IG.
Comic fucking easy. The movies suck shit through a straw. But Thanos Quest is the best.
Make the first movie an adaptation of Thanos Quest. Follow him as he retrieves each stone, with no shitty henchmen. While he’s taking the stones, Strange begins bringing everyone together to fight him. After Thanos gets all the stones, Strange desperately makes a team to prevent the snap but fails. Also Lady Death motivation, not that gay one they replaced it with.
Second movie isn’t fucking time travel, it’s Thanos finally realizing the futility of his efforts and “dying,” and the heroes setting reality right. Thanos is last scene on a farm, waiting for death to take him like all other things.
but that's the point. Thanos is supposed to be pathetic.
Comic. The movies generally sucked.
It's undeniably a poor adaptation, Thanos is so fucking bland and the story is so neutered in scale but somehow simultaneously significantly more convoluted.
He's pathetic in both media.
>Generic muh faux noble goals villain
>completely unhinged loverlorn god
garbage taste
That's blatantly false unless you're complaining about powerlevels. It's a plot point in Infinity War that he's the only one (well, along with Star-Lord, who still fails) with the will to do the job/lose someone they love in order to make things right. If you want to call it a shitty adaption go ahead but Thanos is not pathetic in the film
He's not pathetic in the comic outside of his relationship with death
The chad answer
They both suck
They’re both shit but at least Thanos in the books was somewhat cool and not a giant pointless emo pseud like in the trash movies
You fools.
The true Chad Answer is the initial Adam Warlock Vs Thanos War. It's a more focused story, despite all the filler.
>so great as the moments and deaths as they had Cap, Iron Man, Cyclops, Hulk, Spidey and Wolverine are sitting it out.
>any villain who expresses humanity is an emo pseud
Let me guess your favorite MCU antagonist is Malekith?
Thanos Quest seems to be one of the favorite Marvel comics of people who hate Marvel comics
Came here to say this. TQ is still one of my favorite marvel stories.
He's saying while Cap, Iron Man, Cyclops, Hulk, Spider-man, and Wolverine had neat moments and death scenes, they really shouldn't have been involved in such a cosmic level threat.
Comic and it's not even close. It's astounding how little imagination the movie version had.
The comic really isn't all that good desu
In the movie he's just an idiotic posturing to be a god. In the comic he's a cosmic greek tragedy. One just says he's doing the right thing for some vague reason and the other knowingly walks the path of madness because at the end of day Thanos, despite all his power, all his intelligence is still a creature of emotion and what constantly drives and eludes him his a simple desire for one of the most basic and common emotion there is. But I should have guessed that a bunch off shit cunt millennials would be too quick to throw out garbage memes about simps or cucks to actually pay attention to something with even the basic semblance of emotional depth. No why do that when you can hoot and holler at a CGI cap going epic mode.
Fuck movies.