Only one of them can get greenlit. Which do you choose?

Only one of them can get greenlit. Which do you choose?

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Korgoth of Barbaria

.....Helluva boss

Screw-On Head

hazbin will be the next steven universe. screencap this

They work well as single episodes, but a whole show probably wouldn't work for either.

smiling friends has this very strong season 1 Aqua Teen Hunger Force vibe, i feel it could work great if they use that type of formula.

the eltingville club

How does Smiling Friends not work as a full season? It has a very open ended premise with flexibility on its formula.

Smiling Friends

Not interested in either but the second would get better porn

i agree with this. it could just be a nice absurdist comedy show with basically 0 continuity between episodes. i'd honestly prefer that vs. the story-driven wannabe anime shit that gets pumped out nowadays.

Vizie's shit is virtually unmarketable for a major network. She's fucked

I watched smiling friends almost entirely because of Mike Stoklasa.

The only acceptable answer

I'd say Hazbin, if only because I'm sorta interested in the whole "redeeming Sinners" premise they got and how they can spin it.

Hazbin Hotel. I like Smiling Friends more but if the gay demon show somehow gets a standing online, it can help launch a era of cartoons free from corporate oversight, funded by the internet.

I'd say Similing Friends because I want Zach to catch a break but I didn't actually like it
Hazbin genuinely looks like something that would get greenlit on CN if they cute the swearing and sex jokes but not something adult swim would take.
either way I hate it

>calling Screw-On Head
>come in, Screw-On Head!

Hazbin Hotel

Could I get Smiling Friends with the animation quality of Hazbin Hotel?

Smiling Friends actually made me laugh. Which is a bigger priority to me when it comes to greenlighting a comedy. Hazbin might look nicer (Even if some of the animation and backgrounds are wonky here and there), but I don't really want to look at nice illustrations in place of jokes for a comedy.

This or Eltingville.

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Smiling friends plot was okay, but visually it looks like another low effort stoner show that AS has already shat out a hundred of.

Smiling Friends was actually funny.

Hazbin because it gives Stamper work

To make a long sperg out short:

Ms. Medrano is a multitalented auteur with more passion than I'll ever have.
Psychicpebbles has and always will be one of my favourite cartoonists since 2011.

...Gotta blast!

Hazbin Hotel because it's closer to being good.

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Hazbin doesn't even necessarily need to be greenlit tho, let it survive on patreon bucks and merch sales rather than be leashed to some corp.

>Hazbin Hotel

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I like em both really. both real funny. can't get enough of either. hope both of em get picked up. can't choose between one and the other. love hazbin, love smiling, got a lot of love for both. vivzie zach michael et al. are all good. allen, angel dust, pim, vaggie, both got a charlie and I like both charlies. can't decide between one or the other, I see one I see the other I like em both. I hope there's lots of episodes of both of em, not just one. styles are different, but both good styles. got some fun stuff. funny jokes. watch one, watch the other, enjoy both. can't say ones a virgin and ones a chad, they're both chads in my book. I just love em. both of em are about organizations trying to help people, both got an idealistic character, both got a charlie, but they're so different you can't compare em. Like em both, personally. they're just both good. both are pilots, I hope they both get picked up and have long satisfying runs. I got no hatred for one or the other, I like em both. having fun at daveland, inside of every demon is a rainbow, musical stuff. two charlies, but each charlie fills different roles. hazbin charlie is pim, smiling charlie is vaggie. angel dust and allen got no equivalents. radio demon, nifty, that drunk guy, no equivalent. still, good shows both. can't say one's good and one's bad, I just gotta say that both shows are very good. hazbin hotel is a lot more like a kids cartoon that has adult themes like swearing and sex, while smiling friend's is what I'd consider a more typical adult cartoon. interesting thinking about both how they play off one another and are different yet the same yet different. see one it's good, see the other it's good, because ultimately both of them are very good and I hope the creators are very successful and have long running shows that don't get to flanderized or bland or meddled with or unfunny or in any other way shape or form inferior to the pilot version of the show that we've seen.

I'm gonna be honest, I liked Zach's cartoons back when he still posted on NG and Youtube but they didn't stand out compared to the other stuff up at the time, but I became a fan from his appearance on SleepyCabin and OneyPlays, dude is one of the funniest people I've ever seen.

Hazbin, no contest.

I would, however, enjoy both as full blown series if they can maintain the same quality if not better.


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But user, what about Primal?