Why is Moral Orel one of the very, very...

Why is Moral Orel one of the very, very, very few cartoons to go into dark and depressing territory without feeling manipulative or dishonest?

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Because Clay and Bloberta (and everyone else besides the kids) were written as scum from the beginning

There are a few exceptions. Putty has his flaws but overall he's an alright guy. Stephanie was great from the beginning.

Because Doug Stamatomolopolophogus found out Adult Swim was canning his show and that his wife was divorcing him at the same time.
Clay's rant in "Sacrifice" (or the entire episode) came from this.

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Holy shit, sauce?

is this show good?

Starts off as a generic "Christianity is dumb" cartoon that morphs into a deep character study.

Extremely so. A lot of people will tell you the first season isn't good but they're retarded, those episodes are absolutely hilarious especially the crack one, the zombie one and the pregnancy one.

That explains why the show was nothing but DUDE CHRISTIANS LMAO during its first two seasons

i love a lot of adult swims stuff, so i think i'll probably like the whole thing.

>Christianity is dumb
Turbo-brainlet. Orel is a devout Christian and is an extremely good person. The point is that many Christians twist the religion to their own ends.

You aren't supposed to point that out in these threads

The first season was definitely shitting on Christianity as a whole, it eventually dives deeper into the issue but don't pretend it wasn't just a random generic cartoon at the start. Ya season 1 was funny but it was really one sided, not even a christian and even I noticed it.

Because it handled "depression" first.

Not at all.

The season 2 finale and the third season are "good", I suppose.

I mean, when you make a show parodying Davey and Goliath, no shit is it going to be about religion

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You're fucking kidding right? They literally have Clay give a satirized version of the early sitcom "fatherly lesson" in every single fucking episode. It's always been about how American Christians fuck their kids up using the bible as an excuse for their horrid parenting

>It's always been about how American Christians fuck their kids up using the bible as an excuse for their horrid parenting
So it's all about Christianity being a mere tool for shitty people, and this doesn't look like a negative portrayal of Christianity to you?

We get it, the flaws come from the characters, but as said it's a really one-sided portrayal of Christianity. It's a pretty tiresome subject, even if that's not the show's fault.

Because it doesn't rely on cliches that you've seen a billion times.

It's still heavyhanded as fuck and I can't imagine a grownass adult finding it depressing. Man I'm tired of seeing anons praise this "deep and dark" show like it's fucking Ivan's Childhood.

But it isn't as cliched as most cartoons at least, so if that's your frame of reference then no wonder you're impressed.

The show is great, but your enjoyment of season 1 depends on your childhood.

Did you grow up in a Christian family? Go to church every week? The first season is a fun look at the hypcoracy of Christians and the bible. It's a parody of every single Christian Cartoon they showed you in church. If you didn't go to church then you're just not going to get the parody.

If you weren't raised Christian watch the Christmas special and skip to Season 2. Much like Bojack season 1, Morel Orel season 2 starts of as a one thing before morphing mid-season into a dark character study. You need the early episodes though to get why the characters act like they do.

>Orel is a devout Christian and is an extremely good person.
R/atheism still triggered by moral Orel ending with Orel having a family happy traditional family and still being devout Christian.

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>really one sided, not even a christian and even I noticed it.
Fuck off Yas Forums

No retard once again, the character of Orel shows that you can be a normal, intelligent, kind and caring individual and still be a devout Christian. The main, eponymous character is a great example of a Christian and you think that it's a negative portrayal of Christianity?

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Profligacy that ought to be destroyed. Protestantism was a mistake.

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Lurk more.

The "christianity is dumb" is a pretty basic look at it. It's a parody of the old timey post war america that people think of when they look at the 50s. While yes there are some elements of "religion is for SHEEPLE" (it came out in the 2000s what did you expect) the main focus surrounds the idea of how Orel is so innocent he takes everything TOO literally and the wacky hijinks that follow.

>the main focus surrounds the idea of how Orel is so innocent he takes everything TOO literally and the wacky hijinks that follow.
Problem is that it's sometimes forced and I can't help but grimace.

*Not the other user you replied to, by the way.

First season is kinda bland, honestly, but Its finale is pretty good.

I've never seen anything like this show in any other medium. I cannot think of any other show I'd rather see revived. A spiritual successor at least would be nice.

It's believable as a town of adults that act holier-than-thou while fucking over their kids and generally being shitty people who use the "I go to church so I can't be a bad person" cope to avoid confronting their own terribleness.

Morel and his girlfriend continued being Christians, I think it's more about how damaged people put on a semblance of morality to make up for their inability to positively change. Morel's longterm arc over the story is getting to know his grandfather (who was also a bad person but in a different way from his father) and learning to be a good person in general rather than the hollow hypocritical shells his parents are while cloaking themselves in Christophilia to pretend they aren't assholes. It's less about Christianity and more about how many types of people who profess Christianity (and nowadays it would also include SJWism rather than just Christianity) and try to be moral guardians of society are usually hypocrites and the actual believers who do good things tend to be less vocal and aggressive about it.

But it absolutely feels forced. It doesnt feel like a serious drama about these issues. It feels like they just threw in every edgy concept they could into a blender for the purposes of "satire". As if american beauty hadnt already done that schtick. like DUDE WHAT IF THE SECRETARY WAS FUCKING HER BOSS? AND THEN SHE HAD TO GET A FRIGGIN ABORTION? AND IT WAS WITH A COATHANGER? THAT WOULD BE SO MESSED UP DUDE