I know many of you, like me, decided to bingewatch the entire series during this pandemic. At the end, what were your final thoughts?
Avatar: The Last Airbender
It was always shit. Estrogen fueled garbage.
>At the end, what were your final thoughts?
Azula didn't deserve it.
I liked most everything about it except for the ending. I thought the whole spirit-bending thing was such an asspull.
More like Azula deserved some good dicking
Nah that's LoK.
Bitch deserved a bullet.
It was shit user.
It was slower then expected.
Also Season 3 is SUPER fucking short
>Literally 5 episodes are spent in the fire nation
>5 episodes are solo episodes
>Then time to kill the firelord
Only 5 episodes out of a total of 16 in season 3 aren't spent in the fire nation, or aren't solo character episodes with zuko.
>Bitch deserved a bullet.
Yeah a Dick shaped bullet
>Bitch deserved a bullet.
>It was shit
strikes 2 and 3. time to kill yourself.
who broke your heart, whats her name
is this a meme or do people actually have a reason for this?
she was an awful person who got off relatively easy all things considered.
Its not a meme.
But its impolite to derail a thread this fast.
>what were your final thoughts?
Its still Excellent ,
and Korra still SUCKS ....
>be 14 year old girl
>spend all of your peak years behind bars
>plus all of your adult years
>user says you got off easy
Contrarians that coom to Azula
I'd watched it while my brother was in the ICU and I was taking care of his kids. Kind of surprised they never saw it, then I had to check the fucking calendar and realize it was released 15 goddamn years ago, and I suppose Nickelodeon isn't exactly promoting it. Either I've become more cunning and observant, or nostalgia has definitely set in for me. Because I drew enjoyment from a lot of episodes I recall being draggers. But there's still only one thing about the show that I'd change in the entire run. Which is Jet's death. Well that and making sure Longshot has the last fucking line in the scene.
>behind bars
So being emotionally abusive to her brother as a child, ridiculing her uncle at the face of his son's death, and actively contributing to the genocidal war and peruse to kill the Avatar, all while absolutely reveling in how evil she is was "being behind bars"?
Yeah she was raised in an absolutely horrendous environment, but so were Iroh and Zuko, and eventually they came around. Azula's a monster to the core by her own will.
Actual response this time, the show is bordering on a masterpiece, but the ending was a little lame. thats mostly forgiven though
Maybe in her next life she won't commit as many warcrimes before her quinceanera?
What war crime, exactly
>blah blah she was mean to zuko
so what?
>all while absolutely reveling in how evil she is was "being behind bars"?
this sentence barely registers meaning. You should have reworded it.
>blah blah zuko was a better person than her
who cares. thats not a crime.
Attacking envoys during a summit.
Forced conscription of civilian labor to the end of the war effort against their nation.
Use of human shields.
Perfidy on two occasions.
Impersonating diplomats to the end of of an assassination.
That's her personally, not just the whole series of indefinite imprisonment without trial, torture, inhumanity and so forth on the part of the fire nations.
it was a shitty cartoon trying to be anime (like teen titans)
i rather watch anime
Interesting, I'm sure you're going to go through and pedantically nitpick all the warcrimes zuko committed when he was a piece of shit in season 1, arent you? Or does that not count because zuko has fee fees for his mommy so he is absolved of all guilt. or how about iroh for that matter?
> indefinite imprisonment without trial,
kinda like what happened to her
Winners don't get charged with war crimes.
I see, so you're saying she doesn't actually deserve any more jailtime than Zuko hypothetically would.
fine, layman's terms
Azula is evil in a very over the top way. She is manipulative towards her "friends" and outright cruel to her own family, even in their time of grief. Her contributions to the 100 Year War (More specifically almost killing the Avatar) would've left the world in a horrible state of tyranny. This is combined with the fact that she loved every second of doing every evil/cruel thing she did through the course of the show.
Also yeah, by comparison being a dick to Zuko is trivial but it reflects the horrible person she'd become.
>more blah blah about how mean she is
Thats great. She's a kid. and putting a kid in a straight jacket alone for eternity is pretty harsh unless you have no conscience at all.
>oh, but she was mean in a VERY mean way
thats just great. its a show about war. almost every other character has done terrible shit and nobody seems to care. Aang literally kills hundreds of people. Toph lets people starve/suffocate to death. Zuko goes without saying if his fags can stop having selective memory for about 5 seconds.
big oof
>She is manipulative towards her "friends"
only ty lee. dont know why mai always gets lumped in as some kind of battered abuse victim. at no point is mai ever treated badly by azula. that stupid cunt willingly followed azula around until she realized zuko was a better way to clout chase.
I'd rather watch better Wuxia movies than this shit.