No White People In The Avatar Universe

I know someone who works in casting.
Obviously the whole thing has been put mostly on hold due to Covid19. But there are still some Skype casting auditions going on, and some cast members have been chosen already.

One thing I was surprised to hear is that there are going to be NO and I mean NO white people in the Netflix adaptation.

Now, that might make sense because in the show everyone is either Asian or native american.

However, I've heard that there will be Black People, Latinos and other races in the adaptation playing certain characters. But no white people. Not a single one.

I asked if that was because of racial tensions and the guy I know who works in casting said it was because the shows creators, Bryke, said that "there are no white characters in the Avatar universe, but there are all other races"

I couldn't find them saying that online but apparently that's what one of them said.

And it's true, there are no white characters in Avatar. The swamp benders sound like rednecks, but even they are POC. They are initially from the water tribe.

I've been re-watching the series and I've noticed there are loads of characters Black and Lations can play.

One of the Rough Rhinos, Thud, Loads of earth-kingdom villagers.

So it's basically the case that Avatar TLA Netflix will have no white people in it, intentionally, but it will have all other races.

Thoughts? You can ask me any questions if you want but I've pretty much told you all I know.

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Sorry for the reddit spacing

Avatar was always shit lmao

shut the fuck up

>non-white fire benders

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>I've heard that there will be Black People, Latinos and other races
>In an Asian-centric world

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I doubt this is true. The only comments Brian or Michael have made is "making Avatar with a non-whitewashed cast," referring to Shyamalamadingdong's flop.

The farthest I can tolerate are Polynesians, since they can play the darker Asians.

Can Latinos play Asians, though?

This is a bait thread, dude.

Bryke has already failed.

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The fire nation is white.

>Not knowing about the Asiatic Black Man
Half-man, half-amazing

hahaha this is going to be the most aggressively "woke" show of all time

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i just feel bad for asians desu. i dont care if its meant to be FOR asians and native americans, but sabotaging that by jamming in literally everything else kind of defeats the point. besides, bet you 100 (you)s theres not aboriginal australians or maoris

>some cast members have been chosen already.
>some cast members have been chosen already.


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>aboriginal australians or maoris
I agree with the former but the latter were descended from Taiwan

There better not be any blacks or latinos, there are tibetans, chinese, japanese, and imuits. Those are clearly the peoples depicted imn the avatar universe, so if you're going to be a stickler about it, those are the people to go with. Plus, how many fucking Inuit and Tibetan actors are there? Those'd be some real underrepresented groups.

>There has to be black people in Witcher, a Polish author's story set in a fictional Poland filled with Poles, or you're all racist.

>No white people in a series set in an Asiatic fantasy world set in fictional Asia and filled with Asians, because cultural accuracy matters.

No one would have a problem with the casting if it wasn't so fucking blatant.

Op here

It’s true. They won’t be main characters. They won’t have Eddie Murphy playing iroh, but like, minor characters

You're lying and this is a bait thread.

I looked, but I think they want to keep racial comments private.

Literally the only available source has them reference the blatantly whitewashed cast of the cinematic film. That does not equate to "Bryke hate Whites."


>Still ignoring (((Netflix))) is the most anti-white network ever.

I'm a brown hispanic btw, and I consider this really stupid

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I'm a brown Asian and I agree.

>Literally its most popular show in a fucking decade stars all white people who really like Tigers.

This is like the one show this makes sense for. But they do this even when it doesn't make sense.

No I’m not. Don’t get me wrong. The Eddie Murphy quote is my opinion only. But it’s to prove a point.

From what I have heard, there’s going to be no white people. Other races are included but it’s, and I quote “like 80% Asian”

Post one single shred of evidence to prove you're not some Yas Forums baiter.

>But non of the bad guys can be Chinese, cause we don't want to lose China bucks
Mark my words, Yas Forums

>a show that gives representation to a variety of Asian cultures, not just East Asian
>lol let's put blacks in it
For what purpose

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Shh, just let us be mad about white genocide.

>Literally its most popular show in a fucking decade stars all white people who really like Tigers.
just because netflix is anti-white doesn't mean their audience is you retard.

It's a true crime/documentary thing and everyone I've heard from dislikes everyone in it and the entertainment is watching how awful they are. So yes whites are allowed in shows where the purpose is to gawk at how awful they are.

They're not producing a blockbuster movie

If only you hadn't said reddit spacing, then this could have almost been believable. Not quite, but almost.

You're full of shit.

How much of the culture isn't East Asian, though? Besides gamelan for the Fire Nation and Bhuddism.

that guy is lying or joking and you're a gullible twat.

Popular on Netflix this week:
>Code 8 - White lead
>Lethal Weapons 1 thru 3
>The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
>The Big Show (Top 10!)
>The Death of Stalin
>Ozark (Top 10!)
I'm typically against raceswapping and that kind of stuff but you're all full of shit.

That kid doesn’t look white.

Also, I don’t believe it too. It’s literally all hush hush with casting

you didn't read what i wrote did you, you just sensed that someone disagreed with you and like a petulant child you threw out the first thing you could think of

I know I fucked up lol. But it’s true. At least it’s true that I was TOLD this by someone who works at a casting agency

>Insta name: YaLocalWhiteBoy
Lol. This is a bait thread.

I'm still waiting to see evidence of how Netflix has an axe to grind against white people.

Jennifer Love Hewitt for one

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You're full of shit.

Don't forget that "13 Reasons Why" is all about white teenagers doing white teenage things, and that's somehow been popular for the better part of five years.

People said the Scoob leaker was full of shit