I want to combine MHA with Marvel and call it Avengers Academy that or make EMH season 3
Pitch your Marvel animated series
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Let's give Robbie Reyes an animated series and call in the people that made Motoryity.
full circle. getting centipede man's shit at this point
A Red Ronin series that has no connection to the rest of the Marvel Universe
Okay, I see Robbie Ghost Rider, Venom, Thanos, Spider-Gwen and Deadpool. Who are the two white haired women? Is the bow on head Scarlet Witch?
Oh... was me. Seems redundant now. Who is Seol Hee?
Making Kei Mineta is just mean
Avengers Academy except it's a cartoon instead of a shitty mobile game.
Pretty much this.
Kingpin series
hire Lil Ugly Mane to write the soundtrack
fuck Spider-Man
Kingpin's cool as shit
Heroes for Hire anime with animation style of Boondocks
Make the MC Absorbing Man no reason I just really like Absorbing Man
The fucking oddest pics lmao
A Supaidaman sequel with a version of Miles Morales (similar to how Takuya is a version of Peter) that has Black Panther as his mecha
An Elsa Bloodstone series, something around the neighborhood of thirteen episodes and placed on a channel where a mature rating doesn't matter. She rips monsters in half, there's profanity, and some nudity. It starts off with Elsa hunting down monsters for the first episode or two and then stumbles upon Kai Kawade and it's basically monsters unleashed but we're cutting out the inhuman crap.
Champions with good writting would be kino.
Isn't that tagline from overwatch or something?
Academy X, with the 2003 X-Men. The older generations of X-Men can still appear as adults and famous heroes, while characters introduced after the Academy X era can easily join the main cast over time.
It's a straight adaptation of the New Mutants/New X-Men storylines, with the Champions/Young Avengers/Whoever the fuck being inserted as a rival group and window to the superhero world outside of mutants.
Spectacular Spider man season 3
>First season is happy school adventures between Dani's New Mutants and Emma's Hellions, maybe throw in Riot at Xavier's
>Second season goes full grimdark starting off with the bus bombing and Stryker's Purifiers
Some minor character with 0 personality. Only people with yellow fever likes her
>Only people with yellow fever likes her
Or k-pop fags.
So just like MHA characters
oh man I want it
ca't lie, I kinda dig this desu
Hulk TV series. Aka Hulks cross country road trip.
Some back ground
>Super heros are not well known. At best they know about captian America and spiderman.
>Mutants are rare and unknown
>It takes place in the early 2000
>Dr.Banner and Samuel Sterns are nuclear physicists performing a test on a Nuke they helped design.
>They made it produce more than 10 times the energy than any other Bomb. And ensured that the fallout is not as wide spread with only a small radius being EXTREAMLY radiated
>It goes wrong due to the interference of a teen and Banner becomes the Hulk while Samuel becomes the Leader.
>Banner and Hulk travels across every state in America in order to escape Ross.
>Ross has vested interest in Hulk as not only is it a weapon for the military but also as revenge for killing Banner in his eyes.
>It has a more horror tone as Hulk fights monsters. Like the original Hulk and Wolfman.
> Wolverine, Moonnight and Deadpool would all be introduced as villians trying to capture the Hulk.
>Hulk makes some allies along the way. Like Spiderman, Doctor Strange and Man thing.
>The Leader the mean while has been kidnapping criminals and turning them into radiation monsters as he sees him and Banner as evolved beings.
>Final battle is a Threeway fight between the Military, Hulk and his Allies and the Leader back where it all started in the test sight.
Funny, you can't see any skin on any of the girls.
Manga, anime>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Comics
>you can't see any skin on any of the girls
Found this on his page.
In Luna Snow's defense, there's potential. Like how she throws millions around like it was nothing.
The character designs for Avengers Academy were cute though and there was enough of a storyline that could be further developed into something really appealing to both boy and girl audiences. Also, toy potential. Execs love toy potential.
Avengers Academy was cute. Some of the interactions with characters were really charming. But then the game got really money grubbing and it just became awful. Shame there was no way to save the files like they did for Avengers Alliance.