Reverse Flash & Mirror Master Will Be The Villains In THE FLASH

Cast them. Reminder that Mirror Master will be a woman.

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>implying this shitheap will actually get made

>young dark haired Barry
>black iris
>female mirror master

Might as well throw in Joe West and Harrison Wells. This will just be a big budget Arrowverse show.

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrAnd father paradox

Well, Ezra knows how to choke a woman out so it might be a good idea they gender swapped

There were a few drafts with a Wells-esque interpretation of Thawne.

>Mirror Master will be a woman.
Why? Mirror Master is already a woman in the Flash TV show.

Because the people making the movie, don’t care cause they know it’s just going to languish in Development Hell

Yeah but a lady Reverse Flash is a more interesting and less often done

Stop pushing that shit, dude. It ain't happening.

I'm bothered by the female Mirror Master. They couldn't pick between Sam and Evan? Moreover, why the hell do we need two villains for this? Why even use Thawne this early? I hate everything I've heard from this cursed project

That would make the movie better though

Karen Gillen as Eva McChulloch

I'm cautiously optimistic if it means Miller is out and they're soft rebooting the DCEU. Female Mirror Master is wack but maybe she gets killed off (waste of Chastain though) and the sequel brings in Evan, preferably played by Christopher Eccleston

>Cast them. Reminder that Mirror Master will be a woman.
So they're copying CW now.

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It's not so bad. It'd be troubling if it was Cold or Heatwave, but swapping MM is like swapping Trickster. There's already been multiple versions of them, what's one more?

>if it means Miller is out and they're soft rebooting the DCEU

It doesn't.

>It doesn't.
Honestly by this point, all bets are off. It's not like anyone actually liked the DCEU Snyder was building up.

>Why even use Thawne this early?
Probably just like how they put Black Manta in the Aquaman movie and Mr. Mind/Black Adam in the Shazam movie: DC wants to plant the next villains right away to bait people.

It's not enough anymore for them to just focus on one particular villain or group of villains, gotta introduce them already in the middle of the movie since people aren't invested enough on their movies to wait for the post credit scene to tease them or just leave people wondering which is the next villain.

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It will be 2030 and DCfriends will still be making threads about that Flash movie WB is totally going to make any year now.

That reminds me, has there been any news at all about the New Gods movie at all? Weren't they supposed to beat Marvel to the punch on Eternals?

WB has to stop announcing movies so early. They announced New Gods so then Marvel announced Eternals and rushed to get it out before New Gods. They did the same thing with Civil War after WB announced BvS

Eccleston wouldn't do it, and you're casting way too old.

You think Hollywood gives even a quarter of a shit about the comics?

You do realise that Harrison Wells was originally planned for the Flash movie 10 years ago and only used in the Arrowverse because they didn't proceed to make the movie, right?

>big budget Arrowverse show

The TV show on season one took a lot of its cues from one of the movie scripts with heavy emphasis on Thawne that never got made, yes.

Yeah, crazy female stalker through time Thawne would really interesting take. Capeshit movies are seriously lacking in good female villains.

>Why even use Thawne this early?

Because the time travel going wrong aspect of Flashpoint is what makes the plot of the movie interesting and fairly unique, dipshit.

I mean the set up for Mister Mind was a teaser at the end and Manta was integral to the plot.

Also many movies do multiple Villians in 1 go like Captain America, Iron Man, and spider-man

I kind of hope it’s dead even though I want a New Gods movie having Tom King write the script was the worst fucking idea