Can you really make this guy as popular and likable as Captain America? You can't see his eyes, that will absolutely put people off
Can you really make this guy as popular and likable as Captain America? You can't see his eyes...
As Captain America? No. Cyclops was always at his best as a team leader but he's never been able to hold his own as a solo act like Cap.
Being a mutant leader pretty much defines him as a character and as a person, of course he can't go solo. It just doesn't work.
Scratch that. Maybe a "Cyclops and The X-Men" type title where Cyclops leads a team of side characters but the main focus is on Scott.
That'd be great.
Doubtful, his character was stigmatizing as hell even back when he wasn't on the mutant supremacist kick that he's on right now. He'll also always be in Wolverine's shadow in some way, and that doesn't help things at all.
Cap has always been boring
A good chunk of the Claremont/Byrne years were basically the Cyclops and Jean show. That was a good dynamic for him because he was the experienced leader of an inexperienced team so it was an organic way for him to be in the spotlight.
They made Starlord into a worldwide cultural icon, they can do anything man
Captain america isn't popular, the MCU brand is.
Get off the keyboard, Cyclops, and clean off your bull, he just finished with your wife.
The fact that they haven't been able to screw him up after a decade of trying is pretty significant in Cyke's favor.
Jean just finished fucking his husband.
He's literally the same character as Captain America, but a mutant.
>The fact that they haven't been able to screw him up after a decade of trying is pretty significant in Cyke's favor.
See this.
>worldwide cultural icon
What do you mean? He is Magneto clone but with punch laser now
Cap cant hold his own as a character user. And cyclops has always been an objectively better leader
Guys with obscured eyes are hot.
Go away Daredevil, nobody likes you
Barely even that now, he's everybody's bitch on Krakoa right now, both literally and figuratively.
>Can you really make this guy as popular and likable as Captain America?
if they give him a character arc that shows transformation and growth
>old cyke retains his history but doesn't
What the fuck? Wasn't that whole arc under the conceit that they could never remembered what occurred? I have not been keeping up.
This is why you don't do proper time travel instead of timeline jumping. Jesus.
They finally did it
>implying he doesn't already have that
>young idealist slowly floats away from his strict upbrining with literal brainwashing
>ideals tested time and again against a harsh world forcing him to become harsher on his own
>finally hardens and realises that his people can never cope with the challenges if they burden themselves with their ideals - becomes a wise but jaded extremist with the best intentions
That's not the sort of story people are willingly going to promote. Especially when people are going to sympathise with him instead of hating him, like with the comics.
My cope is that they're all changing their sense of ethics and morality as the reality of their situation as immortal pseudo-Gods kicks in. All the muties seem to be becoming more decadent and lenient. Their prosperity and victory over death has fundamentally changed what it means for them to exist.
It works in a transhumanist way - only so long as they keep these changes more or less global across mutants.
Jean brought the teen X-Men back into the past and locked their memories of the modern world away, making it so that they'll only remember those adventures after a certain period of time. Basically, they didn't remember their adventures, and everything went on as it should have, until the current era where they suddenly regained those memories.
In other words, a plot hole-riddled mess happened and now the adult X-Men have the their counterparts' memories.
Cyke gets to fuck Jean, Emma AND Wolverine, while Wolvie and Jean only get to fuck him and each other. He's clearly winning here.
What is this boring as layout page, aren't they supposed to be more... interesting?
Wolverine isn't married to anyone, nor is letting anyone squat as his house and touch his things. He's just fucking people.
Cyclops, though? Cyclops is letting others fuck his wife and mother of his children. IN HIS HOUSE, ON HIS STUFFS. Cyclops is the clear loser.
holy moly he's based
you know starlord.....
>That's not the sort of story people are willingly going to promote. Especially when people are going to sympathise with him instead of hating him, like with the comics.
it could work given the MCU's long-term storytelling. And they would handle it fine like they did Iron Man in Civil War.
Cyclops is getting that buff, Canadian baby-ass.