Zim was implanted by the Control Brains to test the empire.
Zim was implanted by the Control Brains to test the empire
How would Tallest Miyuki interaction with Tallest Red and Purple look like ?
Really depends on who's taller.
Probably shit talk them.
The Trial though has them connect to his PAK which they wouldn’t do if they knowingly made him fucked up
If you're a Miyukifag in 2020 you're a SIMP
Reminder that membrane is a boomer
Also remember that one artist here takes money and runs lol
I appreciate trying to warn people but let's not bring it up unless she's trying to use the thread to advertise commissions again
>Not just crazy because of massive cloning
Wouldn't it be more likely that Zim is genetically defective? After all, all Irkens are artificially made and require a PAK to maintain life. They may just be such defunct organisms that they only hang on to existance due to their technology. Sort of like how humans with heart issues need a pacer-maker inplanted. Now imagine everyone ever born needed a pace-maker or die. That's an Irken at this point.
Vasquez is cringing at you all.
I miss how so much of the old zim fan art on dA was coloured with pencils. It invoked that emo "I made u a cookie but I eated it" art.
Don't be so tsuntsun, Johnie
He's been doing that for a decade, almost two.
A fandom doesn't ask to born, Dad.
Yup, can't appreciate something until it's gone. That era is gone. I think everyone moved onto Homestuck. I wonder if an artist would cost more if you asked them to use colored pencils lol
>pierced antennae
Never. Gets. Old.
Why don't The Tallest have the second tallest assassinated or imprisoned in order to ensure they themselves won't be a target?
Is that what they were? I thought she just had eyes on her antennae and one was shedding a single tear.
Probably, but I've seen one or two who prefer it to digital. You can find them if you look, though you'll have to trawl the depths of Tumblr or twitter.
I mean a lot of edgy old OCs had antenna piercings, as did a lot of edgy fan art of 'older' Zim or Tak.
And occasionally older Dib's hair
>Despite going to serial killer lengths to pick out every interaction between the characters and turn it into something more and going nuts when thrown a bone by the creators, ZaDR fangirls always fundamentally understood their ship was never going to be canon
What happened to fujos that led to the current batshit state of fan entitlement? Zim fans were supposed to be the worst of the worst and they never reached the levels of V*ltron or St*ven Un*verse fans. Was it the crusade for queer representation? The fan interactivity model of Homesuck? Why has demanding your ship become canon been legitimized?
It's called pandering, you trucking cinnamon roll.
Perhaps a strong stance against shipping, for kids shows especially, maintains a healthy fan-base. Unless your show is an outright romance piece of shipping wars from the start. When ships compete with each other and one wins it's like one half of the fan-base is validated and the other half reproached.
I miss it too man
Good colored pencils can be expensive so porbably.
But since your going for that authentic Deviantart look Im sure they will not charge you much if they use something from the hoard they got from Goodwill for two bucks.
>Having a single fuck left to give about anything Zim fan related
Wait a minute...
DoodleAnon you son of a gun! Genuinely bless you!
i wanna give the series a try.Any of you have a mega for the episodes?
>tfw the movie was so good instead of making you satisfied of getting Zim content this far out it actually just makes you want a continuation/reboot even more then ever before
And someone asked for Miyuki last thread, so here you go
Then he can get in the cringe line with all the others. It's as uncomfortable to look at as it sounds.
This but anons in the thread will deny it and somehow think they’re better than tumblr
who says theny don't
Zak/Tim is the only true pair
>the movie was so good
>your bar is so low
He does it!
Tak is way out of Zim's league. Unless she gets off on degrading herself I don't see what the hook is here.
And anons like you will bitch about it and somehow think they're better than anons.
Really? context?
Accept your cringe and move on with your life
Server drama should stay dead like the server hopefully is by this point.
Another user paid 70 bucks for a commish back in december and the artist will not refund their money or do the commission
This is it, the greatest thing to come from these threads. Bless you!
that’s an odd way to spell Tenn/Skoodge