For me, it's the Fire Double Down Maxx. The best South Korean exclusive fast food sandwich.
For me, it's the Fire Double Down Maxx. The best South Korean exclusive fast food sandwich
Hello /ck/bro, you're here in Yas Forums again.
Haven’t had one in years but I like the Baconator
Hello /cock/?
I just had one yesterday, it was pretty good
What are you talking about Yas Forumsanon This was on the newest episode of Family guy. As such we should talk about our favorite foreign food.
based /cock/poster
kfc is honorary Yas Forums
does the chicken sell human meat?
What would Bizarro Colonel Sanders sell anyway?
>still eating meat
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
Does it have kimchi? Because if it doesn't I don't want it.
Japanese food + Mexican food = Korean food
Korean KFC is weird as hell.
uh.. sure
Reminder that the double down is actually healthier than most fast food sandwiches but it's been noted as being too high in sodium. Would love to try this version.
I really wish they make more of these because every issue has been top zozzle material
the ultimate keto burger
Where is the beef?
Kashi is the culinary opposite of chicken wings
It's not chicken. It's farm raised cat. Plus isn't spicy.
i wish more things were spicy in the states
As an American I am offended that they dont sell this over here. I am also offended that they got rid of the double down.
Why is Asian KFC always coming up with these things? Some KFC in China had a crawfish chicken burger and it was actually interesting to taste
The Asian branches of American fast food chains have weird exclusives in general.
Is it the spirit of experimentation? Or are western countries too afraid to innovate in the kitchen?
I would love to try that.
damn that looks good
i had the black burger a few years back at BK
it's just a metric shit ton of green food coloring
your shit turns neon green for days
Imagine the smell
They had these weird ones for Spring a few years back too