Is The Simpsons comic books as good and funny as the show (early season wise), and do you recomend it?

Is The Simpsons comic books as good and funny as the show (early season wise), and do you recomend it?

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It's a mixed bag, but the Treehouse of Horror and Bartman related issues are probably the best of the bunch.

They're fine. Treehouse of Horror ones were shit the last few years. Poor Bongo Comics nobody bought them but me.

If you are a fan of the show it is worth checking out. Some laughs here and there. I dont have any that stick out at me, but the thoh ones are allright.

>Poor Bongo Comics nobody bought them
Thank god for that, I only really read them when I'd go with my mom to the grocery story. I'd stand next to the magazine aisle and read while she went around shopping.

Which THOH, or Bartman issues do you think are the best?

I used to hate the way they portrayed Bart in the comics. They seemed to be stuck in the "Bartmania" phase and made him a catchphrase-spouting cool kid that gets away with everything.

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If you're going to read anything, definitely read the Radioactive Man comics they put out. Really fun read, can't recommend it enough

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How are the rest of The Simpsons family portrayed?

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>Picture for ants

>Treehouse of Horror ones were shit the last few years.

I feel like it's because they couldn't bring in many guest creators in the final years like they used to do.

whats the issue where Homer goes to court over offensive comic books?

Here's a hopefully better image.

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Somewhat readable, but still a little blurry.

Surely there's a properly-focused one somewhere in the desuarchive. Probably not hard to find in any Simpsons thread.

It's weird IMO.

Waaaaay back then they felt like a shoddy watering-down of the then-Golden Age Simpsons episodes. Now, they're so much better than zombie and nu-Simpsons it's insane.

I remember that they still continued to use Phil Hartman's characters for some time after he had died.

But still, how are The Simpson's family portrayed in the comics compared to then and now?

Overly-expositional, like they have to explain every detail to every joke. This remained the same through the entire comic run.

So, stupid but lovable dad, nagging but caring mother, problem child son, reasonable daughter and sane baby?

Definitely not. I'd say somewhere between the two extremes.

Me too, though I don't fault comics for that per se.

I guess it's interesting seeing their quality from a retrospective just like one can trace how Simpsons was once so modern and cutting edge and now is holdover media from a generation ago.

Give me an example from the comics compared to the show.


Simpspin created an entire series based around a Simpsons spinoff set in the future. His work is on DeviantArt if you are interested. I'm sure it's better than anything from Season 12 and up.

It's even better when you know what they're referencing. Like the first issue deals with a sendup of the 50's comics scare, the second issue tributes a lot of 60's Marvel, third with O'Neil/Adams GL/GA, fourth with COIE, DKR, Watchmen, etc

They were ALOT like the early seasons, at least until they hit the 100s and toned the stories down. And the Bart Simpson spinoff is strictly for kids.

The ToH specials are hit or miss, depending on who they get to do them.

I loved that each issue was an in universe comic

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I go check it out, though I am a little skeptical about it being from DeviantArt.

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I wouldn’t, it’s just a weird Fanfic with the kids aged up Barts a DJ at a Christian Radio Station and a they added a 4th Simpson kid

Sounds ok. On another note I wish the series ended with "Holidays of Future Pasted" with the kids grown up ending the show on a high note.