Why are mutants better written when they're a part of other superhero teams?
Why are mutants better written when they're a part of other superhero teams?
Because they're no longer endlessly whining about how oppressed they are or getting involved in as much love dodecahedron melodrama.
Beast and Logan work best as Avengers. In fact Beast, Logan, Peter, Angel, and Kurt should leave the orgy that’s Krakoa.
Not even that any more, now mutants are some fucked up cult on par with the Inhumans.
If I had my way, everyone from the first two teams of X-men minus Xaiver, Scott, and Jean would be removed from the X-ghetto and put into the rest of the Marvel U.
honestly I always find it weird how hesitant either of the Big Two are in doing big teams, like I'd be much more interested in a JLU style setup rather than the usual thing Justice Leage and Avengers comics do where they try to keep the rosters small
Nowadays, any token mutant put on an Avengers team exists only to remind people that they are constantly persecuted.
Inhumans have never been as culty as the X-Men are
Only in Uncanny Avengers because it's half an X-Book. Over in Ewing's New Avengers and USAvengers, Sunspot and Cannonball being mutants was never made a big deal.
>It's a "FUCK X-FAGS" poster doesn't actually read comics episode
>Beast and Logan work best as Avengers.
My how times have changed. I remember people being angry when he was put on the team.
Beast works better as an Avenger because he doesn't have the burden of being the 'smart' guy. There are plenty of Avengers smarter than him so he can cut loose and be fun. On the X-Men he's the designated book worm.
I agree, but as Kieron Gillean has said, big teams kind of make writers constantly keep thinking how they can keep every character in rotation.
Granted, it would be a hell of a lot better than the awful Jason Aaron Avengers run. Does anyone care about it?
>x-nigger accusing someone else of not reading comics
I always forget that Sandman was on the Avengers for a bit
>I agree, but as Kieron Gillean has said, big teams kind of make writers constantly keep thinking how they can keep every character in rotation.
which is funny because JLU presented the perfect solution to that problem, just constantly rotate who you're using in a given episode, sure there's some guys who got used more than others, but most members still ended up getting at least one good moment over the show's run
And now they would be. Mutants only exist to shout "I'm a mutant! Show pity for me!" every fucking panel.
>Does anyone care about it?
In recent times, mutants haven't been allowed to join any Avengers teams at all because X-Men editorial is being more isolationist than ever. The Champions are lucky to still have Dust somehow.
>that one fanfiction of Hank building Bruce Banner a Hulk sized cock milker, but the Hulk ends up fucking Hank instead
So he was right about you?
>Dust attacks Ms. Marvel and accuses her of being spoiled and privileged because she's not a mutant like her, despite both being Muslim
Granted, it was the result of Blackheart screwing with everybody, but they still had to make a scene to remind the reader that the token mutant is still considered the lesser member.
Speak for yourself, Cyclops needs more non-mutant friends and he’d be fun on the Avengers.
Logan literally works with everyone everywhere.
>It’s an X-Fag tries to explain why the X-Men forgiving mutants that attempt genocide or build Sentinels is okay episode.
It’s why he’s the most the most resistant to the Krakoa kool-aid
Someone has to stay in the X-books and since most X-men content revolves around Scott, he is the most likely one to stay on leading the New X-men.
Scott needs a fucking break and have some fun with other superheroes
I unironically think Cyclops leading an Avengers team would actually be the best thing ever
If he got that ten foot pole out of his ass, maybe.
It sucks because there was a good handful on the Avengers until mid 2018. Hell, Rogue and Sunspot were leading two of the teams.