The legend of Korra thread

I did enjoy the show, who else?

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just you faggot, everyone else who says otherwise is just jacking off to her porn

Okay fag

Is it alright?
I heard a lot of people complaining about it and criticizing it.
I've just finished A:TLA, and am thinking of picking this up. Is it worth a watching?

I enjoyed the first season until the last two episodes and hated the finale. I watched one episode of season 2 and never bothered past that.

if your invested in the characters form ATLA dont bother since they get put aside for the new crew.

even then only watch the first season only since you have to get through s2 to get to a decent s3 only ot be dissappointed by s4

It's ok. Just take the plot for what it is and don't expect a strong cast of main characters like in ATLA. In LoK secondaries and villains are the show stealers.

What's wrong with S4 no spoilers please tho

Most of it is pretty good. Then it goes full retard.

It's very good, but i think they try to make the finale too extra

Does the finale make sense at least?
Or is it just plain shit.

S3 is pure kino though. It's probably the best the Avatar franchise has ever been.

The finale is what goes bad in S4.

Kuvira & Zaheer were both based.

Season 4 should have been double size (20-26 eps), Zaheer should have escaped, and the plot have been a three way war between anarcho-primitivism (Red Lotus), fascism (Earth Empire) and neoliberal capitalism (Republic City)

Ah shit, well thanks for the insight.

They crank up the silly to absurd degrees. They also try to paint the villain as a tyrant when she honestly just did what was best for her nation.

"Pretty good" is kind of a stretch, I think it's "fine" or even just mediocre.

Even season 3 is mostly whatever until the final few episodes, which I think was the only point we ever saw Korra match or even exceed the quality we saw in ATLA seasons 2 & 3

it's alright, season 2's ending is kind of underwhelming.

um, those two things aren't exclusive dude....

Its awful. 3 isn't even as good as atla 1 in my view. It had nothing particularly good or memorable

I enjoyed it. wasn't nearly as good as the last airbender but I enjoyed it.

But they arent codependent as well, you can easily haveone aspect without going intot he other. If you watched the show you would understand She was the one who united the EK, not the matriarch that had fucked things up for so long. She was someone who genuinely cared abut the safety and direction her nation was going, they had become stagnant even before LOK and the events in s3 showed just how far the EK had fallen. If a bratty and selfish child broke a toy and you fixed it up better then it was before would you trust the child to not break it again?

I liked the first 2 seasons really fucking much. The last 2 crashed like almost no other series in the last times

I only like s3, not even s1.

Trips of truth

I think the finale arc, and in particular the last two episodes were really well done. Anything involving kai is shoehorned in unfortunately but overall they're pretty strong.

Even as a whole, I would rate Korra s3 over ATLA s1. ATLA s1 has its great moments (Zuko v Zhao, the blue spirit episode, and The Storm come to mind) and is integral to the later success of the show, but it's often a bit kiddy or just a snoozefest

Bryke ste cocksuckers who worship the idea of rulers and noblrs.
They dint understand that she is correct because right to rule and bloodline superiority is what they believe in.

It's no fucking wonder that there is no interracial relationships in fucking avatar before ang and katarra.
That aangs children the brown ones are powerless a dyke with the very white one being the air nomad and only good one.
That's not b b even how human genetics work.
That's how dogs work.

>s1 is bad
>s2 is garbage
>s3 is passable
>s4 is bad

Your choice, desu.

>Is it alright?
"Alright" is probably the best way to describe it. Stuff gets retconned and LoK is weaker overall but it has its moments that make it worth watching. Season 3 is a fucking rollercoaster and the highest point of LoK.

Like what?
Why not watch something good all of the way throigh?

She is LITERAL perfection!

Attached: korra kuvira.png (1589x1021, 1.44M)

It's good, just more technologically advanced AtlA with better Villians. Yas Forums just didn't like an aggressive female-led show, even in the 2010's.

She fails and is defeated at nearly every turn but people still shout MARY-SUE whenever Korra does so much as talk.

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