>write a show about aliens coming to earth and living among humans
>never actually explore the idea of aliens coming to earth and living among humans nor the long-term repercussions of it
Why? What was the point? If the show wasn't about that why was it even there? Why write that if you don't plan to use any of it?
Write a show about aliens coming to earth and living among humans
The show wasn't about fish out of water, and wasn't about the spectacle of extra terrestrials. It was about dealing with situations without annihilating your foe. Anything that isn't in pursuit of that one goal, is a distraction.
Skull fucked bitch
I was disappointed the show had no human antagonists that wielded gem technology. Like, no government played with the alien tech in various places? Wasted opportunity.
human government is led by Homeworld loyalist gems who have been hiding on Earth plotting against the Crystal gems for centuries. Its why a Diamond is on their currency and why there seems to be no government response at all to the shit that happens in Beach City.
Honestly, they make the human race like a bunch of fucking wimps how can’t even defend themselves, the final battle would’ve been 10 times better better if the government army made an appearance
There is no government, there is no army. There is only peace and love through Gems.
>show focuses on the CGs fighting the corrupted Gem mess that the Diamonds left on Earth
>villains and giant women duke out a lot
>the first season's finale ends off with an epic fight scene between the two midgets in a trenchcoat and the big buff cheeto puff, which is what dragged in a lot of the new viewers
>just a big focus on violence in general
>"haha what if we used the sci-fi action-based alternate universe setting to present the thematically contradictory message of pacifism while doing so in one of the most unrealistic and unsatisfying ways humanly conceivable"
fucking kill me
Definitely. Would also make things feel like they have weight.
The world of Steven Universe feels ignorant to the threat of genocide by some intergalactic empire, which in turns make the world feel empty. Like Earth doesn't care they are most likely going to be wiped out.
I think it's implied the Gems completely erased Russia off the planet, as in the entire landmass. Earth no doubt figured out long ago that it's better to conform and obey they crystalline masters.
Resistance always rise up. Also, it isn't all of Russia, just a good chunk of Siberia.
>Dude there is action so THAT'S ALL IT'S ABOUT
Fucking mongoloid.
There is no resistance, because Saccarine made sure such things never exist in her perfect utopia Earth where everything is solved through hugs and kisses and songs and etc.
who the fuck watches steven universe for its pacifism
>not a fish out of water thing
>Steven is a fish out of water for the first season and future
Then you shouldn’t have put action and aliens in the first place if you only want it to be about not beating enemies with violence they’re a distraction by your own admission.
At least they should’ve shown a few soldiers or tanks, or maybe try to attack Godzilla Steven with bombers, idk, just don’t make humans look so pathetic
Didn’t Steven say like 38 states or something in the finale? Is it supposed to be implied that gem related activity destroyed the rest ?
Probably not destroyed, but the alternate history could mean the US split into different states since the CGs were on North America before it was discovered.
If I recall, one of the writers stated that Earth's history in the show is vastly different, some thanks to the gems presence and just to not have continuity with our world.
In the show, we did see places turned into elaborate gem sites so I can see the government prohibiting people to live near them since who knows what could happen. Also, the gem monsters probably make it an issue to trek into certain areas.
>"deciding that the message of your show is now pacifism while repeatedly depicting acts of violence in a considerably positive light is actually really good writing you guys"
There's a whole 6,000 time period between the rebellion and the present for the aftermath to have been fully integrated into history. They would be considered a normal presence.
>don’t make humans look so pathetic
They ARE pathetic. Humans literally only exist on the mercy of their Gem overlords.
Yep. Would make the world feel alive.
This whole thread can be answered with
The first season /=/ the rest of the show thematically, physically, visually, or even metaphorically, it somehow jumped shark and season 1 is where all our biggest cards got dropped
Examples include Homeworld being namedropped
PD = Rose even being established as a theory when realistically people should have been catching on to this as soon as Season 3 at the earliest.
Diamonds even being thought of.
The whole show squandered it's potential in the hindsight lackluster season and the following ones couldn't top the hype the first season generated.
>never actually explore the idea of aliens coming to earth and living among humans nor the long-term repercussions of it
I don't see no Americans. I see trespassers, Smurf harps. Do a job for a nickel what a nigger does for a dime and a white man used to get a quarter for. What have they done? Name one thing they've contributed.
Votes? Votes, you say? They vote how the Great Diamond Authority tells them, and who tells the Great Diamond Authority? Their White Diamond in the pointy hat what sits on her throne in the Gem homeworld.
I still don't understand -- if you don't like the show, okay, fine, great. But why keep going on and on and on about it? You don't like it. Okay! Move on to something else. Move on to something you like more and quit allowing one tv show live rent free in your head. Is endlessly complaining about Steven Universe really the best possible use of your time?
Ye, tired of people complaining that it wasn't XCOM or the show didn't go through with exploring the lore/setting enough; there are shows that explore those aspects but this isn't one of them.
i'm sure there's some fanfics out there about government-funded organizations butting heads with gems so that's some consolation
Fanfiction have the potential to be leagues better than what we got. Heck, the designs users made of some characters before they were revealed look much better than what the show ultimately showed off.
you need to be over 18 to post on this site, newfag