This show is worse than Teen Titans Go
DC Super Hero Girls
your bait sucks and now this is a normal dcshg thread
oh das funny
what a soulless design. jesus christ is that bad
Just going to sit back and enjoy
>Give me your burrito, user!
Yeah, soulless designs, pointless plots, and enpowerment fraud.
How is that souless?
>pointless plots
Slice of life
>enpowerment fraud
Now you're just shitposting
>>>Slice of life
My Ass. The reason why you're defending this, because of Kara Tits.
Oh so she is your favorite? Not bad, but not the best.
karafags are the worst ones out of the bunch
Is penguin episode out yet?
I'm in love with how the show handles Ivy. Hope we see more of her and her ptsd trips
Don't twist my words just to get away with it. You're the one who's getting called out.
>Slice of life
You are the worst retard. Not that I agree with the other guy, but episodes like Adventures in Bunnysitting or Burrito Bucket are not slice of life and you have no idea what the term means. Please fuck off to /mlp/ and if at all possible infect everyone there with HIV and corona so they all fucking die for misusing the term slice of life.
not the guy you replied to
but i'm still mad at the association dcshg gets to that show
i haven't seen a single episode of the other show yet people wont shut the fuck up on how they're the same
but it's just normal tropes any other fuckin' show could use to make the group dynamic
>Yas Forums still watching mr enter
shame on you, faggots
sharp teeth edit when?
>it's another best girl episode
Wrong, wrong and wrong.
she'll probably play a minor role in the episode
the episode synopsis said something that babs was going to get blackmailed by the penguin "into a desperate situation" so jess might show up to help her
unless it's just a character size reference like it says in the bottom left
still, she has appeared in many episodes recently, and they are all great
dear god please Right.
>thought this was just going to be more TTG
>it's apparently actually good
Alright you fucks have finally convinced me to give it a watch.
Both TTG and DCSHG are great shows, literally every single person who try to paint those shows as bad end up saying subjective and vague trash like