Villain is defeated by the protagonist recording them saying something "evil" and showing it to the rest of the world

>villain is defeated by the protagonist recording them saying something "evil" and showing it to the rest of the world

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It works if we're talking about a politician or businessman saying something that would completely ruin them.

That one episode of fosters home for imaginary friends.

It’s a dumb way to totally defeat a villain, but it can be done well if it’s a turning point in the story. For instance, in Batman Returns, Batman doesn’t defeat the penguin by doing this, but it is the turning point that makes penguin end his attempt at a legitimate takeover of Gotham and his change to a more ruthless deranged villain

...ok, maybe it wasn't "recorded", but everything else counted.

Attached: images.jpg (284x177, 6.07K)

I think only monsters inc did this in a way i liked.

If this actually worked in real life, then the Access Hollywood tape would've been the end of Trump's campaign. In reality, these things are only seen as damaging by people who already disliked the person in the first place.

Trump got in on memes not facts. There are people who still think he's a successful businessman because he said "You're fired" in a reality show (he never actually says "You're fired" to the contestants in person).


If all it took to get elected was a good meme, then Deez Nuts would be president.