If you think about it, My Life as a Teenage Robot is kind of dark. Let me explain.
Jenny's basically immortal and will outlive her mother and all her human friends someday. Heck, Nora looks like she doesn't have many years left. When she dies, who gets the house? Does the law recognize Jenny's right to own property since she is after all a robot? What would Jenny have to look forward to since she can't exactly live a normal life and defend the Earth. That leads me to wonder if she would be government property along with all of Nora's work.
Yeah but not forever. At least people die to be reunited. Jenny is a robot made to be like a teenager. She won't exactly grow. Everyone she will ever know will die as she fufills her purpose again and again.
Evan Jones
Her mother is immortal too. She always makes herself younger a few years, so they can live forever.
Logan Fisher
haven't seen the show in years but I remember Jenny being pretty vulnerable,she rusts in the rain so if anything she'll be the first go. But if she lives forever her basket case sisters can keep her company
Asher Ramirez
She’ll always have her sister’s and you know when her mom dies, she’s reactivating all of them indefinitely.
Ethan Reyes
Do you know what would’ve been a fun twist, if Jenny was made from a digital copy of Nora’s mind.
Caleb Fisher
A lot of computer hardware these days is only rated for 5 years. The newer and hotter it works, the sooner it will break. Even if you don't turn it on, expect rust in 20 years and leaking capacitors in 30. Jenny isn't immortal at all, she's fragile and too expensive to repair.
Brandon Sullivan
An episode where Sheldon has a mental breakdown after realizing he wanted to plow a granny all along
Jack Jones
Kek. This I would pay to see.
Justin Reyes
Nora Wakeman is the sexiest woman in the cartoon industry
Christian Reyes
Wonder how Nora was able to afford Jenny. Jenny is loaded to the teeth with weapons.
Regardless of how costly, I can see military paying for her ongoing existence in dealing with whatever alien race shows up.
Ethan Lee
Works for the government to smack aliens and asteroids? Nora might not even really own Jenny.
William Kelly
Yep. Pretty much.
Also, I can see this be the perfect scenario for XJ-10. Like, 10 is Nora's final creation to serve as a mother figure. I always imagined her personality would be like that of a human adult and just being that older sibling (in mentality. Jenny is viewed as the oldest so far despite being the youngest, technically) that there.
Also, be capable of dealing with Jenny and her sisters in case anything goes wrong long after Nora's passing. An anti-XJ contingency.
>Thinking a silly sight gag means anything in what is essentially Looney Tunes with a robot character.
Oliver Carter
Makes sense. If I remember correctly, Nora once left Jenny alone with a note stating she went into town to get supplies. Maybe to some military base? Someone has to provide the missiles and ammo for Jenny.
That user's wrong, she's not 6'3" that would be ridiculous. She's 6'5" (198cm)
Michael Rivera
Wish this is swapped, newer generations sucks
Leo Lewis
I always thought it was funny Jenny acted like the big sister when she was younger than even the baby robot
Andrew Bailey
Jenny, like all things, is destined to break down and stop working someday. Even if she does somehow start replacing every part of her to remain sparkly fresh, how long will that last until she's not even the same robot anymore? Ship of Theseus is more than a metaphor.