Back when cartoons had attractive female characters

>Back when cartoons had attractive female characters
What cartoon gal awakened you, anons?

Attached: MonaLethalPImage.jpg (1024x768, 64.06K)

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Dorothy Wayneright

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That show had some nice visuals but the writers clearly had absolutely no idea what to do with it.

>this thing

People weren't lying when they said guys here have shit taste in waifus.

>your opinion

Attached: I Hate Opinions.png (669x769, 1.04M)

Stop using waifu to mean any girl, normalfag.

Please share your waifu, user. Enlighten us.

The oblongs with creepy Susie

Attached: creepy susie.jpg (893x992, 164.53K)

Attached: Robotboy_-_Dodgeball.gif (209x293, 86.46K)

Who worked on Robotboy? Did they do anything else?

I recognize Bob Camp. He directed dsome episodes of Robotboy but before he had worked on other shows like Ten and Stimpy as a writer. Go check Imdb credits. Likely a bunch of stuff.

Wouldn't she split that bicycle in two just by getting on it?

Robotboy has a nice artstyle and that's it. It's a shame the show is so fucking terrible everywhere else.

It's carbon coated

me at 7 years old:

>am I supposed to be seeing her underwear?
>like i almost got in trouble for trying to look up Amanda's dress that one time
>but I can totally see them without trying
>I better not say anything
>I wonder what the big deal is though
>maybe I'll understand what the big deal is one day

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She got me early, she was older than me at the time.

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I keked at this image. What the hell.

Based taste

Never seen the show. What was the flaw?

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Attached: Robotboy-The-Boy-Who-Cried-Kamikazi-_-3_VP8.webm (640x480, 544.33K)

She was such obvious fap bait. It was the first time I realized Timm was having way too much fun.

Attached: Robotboy-The-Boy-Who-Cried-Kamikazi-_-4_VP8.webm (640x480, 338.18K)

I know. I love his style though


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This bunny gave me two fetishes:

Low key furry fetish for bunny-girls, as well as a bunny cosplay girl fetish.

A girl dressed up as a playboy bunny? Yeah girl, we talking.

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Also this show turned me into a pedo-loli hentai freak. Thanks degenerate media!

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Attached: Robotboy_-_Crunch_Time___Mona_Lethal.gif (410x293, 414.82K)

She made me a furry in the Sonic x series.Rogue too.Luckly enough, i never found out about the Sonic fandom at the time.

Attached: 54.png (340x629, 131.93K)