ITT "villians" who have done nothing wrong

ITT "villians" who have done nothing wrong

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This nigga just wants to make an amusement park lol

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...maybe not. Disturbing the peace SHOULD be a crime..

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dinkleberg is a fucking psychopath what the hell are you on

is dinkleberg jewish?

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What do you think?

>dink (double income no kids)
>berg (jew)
I don't know

>big nose
>last name ends with "berg"

why would you think that?

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he did do Kidnapping.

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>This nigga just wants to make an amusement park lol

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being a loyal princess is not a crime

Using anime is unfair, there are Seinen where literally every character is a "villain who did nothing wrong"

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it was not the writers intention but I guess it counts

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Vindland Saga went to shit with Askeladd's death. This is fact.

Fuck yiu Erebus.

This is fact, yes. You could have plagiarised God of War 4 for Thorfinn's adulthood & it would've been a better conclusion to his character arc than becoming karate Jesus

vinland saga was always shit. this is a fact.

Go to bed, Timmy's dad

>You want to stop your people from being gassed to death
Never forget

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Treated like an extension of the will of their creator just like everyone else, and once they declared themselves independent they began willingly resurrecting every intelligent creature they killed and provided emotional counseling.

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How is Eggman the most consistently, if only, good thing about Sonic?

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And yet it's still so much better than any western cartoon

Both Homura and Madoka are wrong

he just wanted to build parking lots

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