Wow this movie really took a big shit all over Sub Zero's character

Wow this movie really took a big shit all over Sub Zero's character

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>Sub Zero's character
Which one?

Wow this ___ really took a big shit all over ___’s character describes just about all modern MK stories that aren’t Johnny.

MK11's Past Kung Lao seemed pretty in line with how Midway depicted him in Shaolin Monks

Kinda looks like the Bruce Timm style

its a movie about how cool Scorpion is of course its gonna shit on Sub-Zero

Yep. Years of development, a mythos so delicately constructed, just thrown to the wind. Don't think he'll ever recover or not for a generation.

sub zero will never get relevant again after his game.

I've not watched it yet, but I'm not surprised. This was always going to be a Scorpionwank film.

I think all of the NRS games have depicted him with an inferiority complex, but it is especially noticeable in 11.

Bi-Han. I think they just want Noob Saibot to have motivation over Scorpion killing him.

Although he had to had known what the lin kuei did.

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Why are you surprised Ed Boon loves jerking it to his yellow husbando?

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He was only in it for like, three minutes. Just long enough to bitch at Kano and then get his ass murdered.

Ironic that the game with a sub minute cutscene at least let him TALK

...what character?

you really think they would mess with Boon's husbando by making Bi Han good?

noob saibo movie when?

How so? That wasn't the real Sub-Zero that killed his family. The real Sub-Zero is only on screen for like 2 minutes.

Smoke's character has been shit on since Deadly Alliance or Gold depending on how you look at it.
In Gold, to give Cyrax more depth they just stole his MK3 story but used the SF super machine instead of a deep friendship with Sub Zero, and in DA, he was just reprogrammed by Noob Saibot the way Cyrax was reprogrammed by Sub in 3.

Exactly, he just appeared for 2 minutes to get murdered by Scorpion and he didn't even know what was going on.

And he seemed like a good guy based on the few things he said; so it's pretty depressing

I love his whole look of "huh?" When Scorpion charges at him.

It's just Bi-Han so it doesn't really matter

As a kid I didn't really like the design of the brother. But I guess it's okay when he's just straight dresses and acts like sub zero

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>I think all of the NRS games have depicted him with an inferiority complex
what are you talking about

Feels good to be a johnny fag

Sonya Blade also was extremely good. Reminded me of G.I Jane and she even did her little kiss move.

Nah Bi-Han is still a sexist so hes pretty much an asshole

Johnnyfags rise up

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Is it a good or bad thing he won't be in the new live action movie?

I think Boon has a hard-on for making Scorpion dump on Sub-Zero.

whenever he trusts he has is shadow effects

He's not being played by that AAIron Fist guy?

>the game does not have my chariter kill everybody so nrs hate them
go fuck yourself retards

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Bi-Han is pretty much a dick in all forms of media except Mythologies and even then, was still a bit of a douche. Kuai Liang is the one with all the development.

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stop calling Noob Saibot Sub-Zero he hasn't been that character since the first game.

Haven't seen him on any cast lists.

I just figured he's the undisclosed role played by Lewis Tan.

Is that screencap supposed to make me hate him? It's having the opposite effect if I'm being honest.

Bi Han has been character assassinated for a while now. MK11 fucked him up with making him always been a jerk and with the retard dr claw voice

He's been a jerk since MK Mythologies, where he only does a heroic quest because otherwise Raiden would mess him up hardcore.