It will never leave your recommendations

>it will never leave your recommendations

Post videos you have this problem with and discuss the state of internet animation.

Attached: shitty.png (1172x265, 197.2K)

Other urls found in this thread:

But it's a good animation, you should watch it.

I don't know why but I really fucking hate Lemon Demon.

For me, Lemon Demon is like an edgy, tryhard version of They Might Be Giants. Replace the quirky songwriting ability and passion for different genres of music with insufferable mid 2000’s random humor and there you go.

Brodyquest is nice, though.

>shitty taste
>defends They Might Be Giants
Of course

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 98.33K)

At least the first three albums of them are very good. Lots of creative moments even if you are not a fan of their kiddy stuff later on.

I like both.
That said Neil's Mouth series is the better of the three and pure kino.

Is this Shmorky or is it just me that sees it?

If you're looking to get revenue from becoming a YouTube animator, you can just forget it. I'm sure everyone here knows that animators on YT get paid squat except the large story time "animation" channels.
The only people I know who make animations and post them on YT do it as a hobby.

Is it worth becoming a youtube animator in the first place? I imagine that some people get lucky and break through to make a fortune or get picked up by the actual animation industry. Other people just do it as an outlet to express themselves. But to make it a career? That’s a lot of dedication and faith you have to put on the youtube algorithm and the whims of the masses, which could give you moments of glory and salary before it leaves you completely barren. That’s not to mention the grueling amount of repetitive work it requires to produce even ten seconds of decent looking animation if you are going for something beyond a early-2000’s flash animation.

You are far from the only person who sees it. I wonder how ling it will take aimkid to go the way of Shmorky in one way or another.

i'm looking forward to his eventual shift towards making right-wing political comics

This is the first thing that came to mind

Attached: bssa.png (1030x235, 143.9K)

I haven't seen Racist Mario in my recommended videos in like a year, now all I see are shitty storytime animators despite the fact that I never even watch those videos

>create weekly videos
>have no true artist expression
>just be a talent-less hack who will be burnt out and hate animating
Just do what Joe, PilotRedSun, Felix Congrave, and Jack Stauber does and just work on a project or animation as you want to and at your own pace. Don't fucking force yourself to make shit that you don't want to make.

Shmorky is the fellow who recorded his wife having a breakdown, right?

Literally who

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True. Based on what I see on aimkid’s twitter, they are already burning themselves out regularly and not knowing why. That is what happens when you are SURE that you will be a professional animator instead of just a hobbyist.

Attached: Burnout.png (732x653, 181K)

>his voice lmfao

In contrast, I don't seem to recall Shmorky's animation having anywhere near the level of dynamic movement, which would have been the point of using simplified clone-body Klurfs in the first place.

True. Aimkid is great with smearing to create that high energy, stretchy and cartoony style. I ounly remember Shmorky using it for lip sync and the occasional smear.

For example:
Even when he does use smearing for action, it seems like it tends to come at the cost of staying on time with the music.

u can always remove it from recommendations

>Is it worth becoming a youtube animator in the first place?
try doing some animation meme and see if you have fun.

Anything by this faggot

Attached: 4rLJ_CsV.jpg (800x800, 59.19K)

Felix Colgrave, at the least, is a professional animator who does commercials and stuff. His YouTube channel is his personal projects. He's successful on YouTube because he did a popular music video back in the day - and don't get me wrong, he's extremely talented, but talented is not how people are noticed on YouTube now. You can always trace it some element of fakery, where they were linked to something Youtube does care about. Usually harvesting an audience, is what they're after, so seeing the animator linked to a third party with viewers to capture is the most common artribute of success.

dweebcore is by nature divisive.
every now and then you do get some really great stuff

Attached: gildedguy.jpg (1280x720, 126.09K)

It takes a special kind of masochism to bring yourself to animate for a living, especially as a solo artist on youtube of all places.