Would you a 1000 year old immortal genie?

Would you a 1000 year old immortal genie?

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If I could use wishes to enhance the experience? Absolutely.

yes and i will impregnate her

Do I have to shittily shoot up a supermarket first?

Just a mosque.

Attached: Desiree18.jpg (640x480, 131.92K)

Would wishing to fuck her be rape?

She wants to please her master, if that's what you want she's down.

But she also compulsively grants wishes, even when they aren't in her interest or to her benefit. She's so bad at resisting that they beat her that way twice in the show.

I love genies but Desiree is ass, primarily because she's just another lol fuck you asshole.

Would wish for her to get bigger tits and ass and other kinky shit

What if someone wished for her not to be a ghost? is there a limit to her abilities?

Wrong DP villain, dude.

Yes, balls deep.

>Wish to be fucked by Desiree
>She seems shocked at first but then becomes excited
>Feels good bro
>She out of nowhere turns into a big, hairy, muscular man with a big, hairy, muscular cock
>”He” tells you to bend over
>Wah wah waaaaaah

there is no fucking downside to this what so ever

She turns herself into a man and fucks you with her big throbbing member

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why can't she just grow a fucking dick and fuck me instead

>fucked by
theres your mistake

She works like Norm or can you skip the lawyer army before doing the wish?

Trips tits of truth

>impregnating a ghost
Godspeed you magnificent bastard

Post more Desiree

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More like this

Maybe a few times, to see if I liked it.

Why do I keep seeing these two together in Rule 34?

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Well, somebody has to do it and I will gladly sacrifice my body for this good cause.

An autist with money pays for it.

Do you have the textles version?

Does anyone have more material of Pre-Ghost Desirée?

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I disagree

Attached: Drasputin Desiree Genie.jpg (1024x834, 77.85K)

The hottest bitch in the show. Fuck Randyfags

Autist with great taste tho

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