MCU Spider-Man

So what's the relation between This Spider-Man, the MCU and the Venom-verse? Does he exist in both?

Attached: Spider-Man_FFH_Profile.jpg (1558x2286, 3.89M)

The relation is whatever Sony decides it is, which probably means it will be something monumentally stupid

Imagine two spheres, and the spheres collide with Spider-Man movies. Spider-Man can hop around the MCU and the Sony movies, but they won't interact beyond that.

I'm still wondering why they made MCU Spiderman the way they did..
They made a carbon copy of Miles Morales, did nothing but make him Iron Mans lap dog.. now he's coming up to his final movie, and theres yet to be any growth to the character save for "I miss Tony, but I can be Iron man without him". Spiderverse 2 when?

If he ever shows up in the MCU again it'll be when Sony allows him to, he's officially in the Venomverse
Basically, he's a character that has no overall impact on the MCU proper, so you can easily get rid of him and replace him with Daredevil or if you want another teenager you can replace him with Johnny Storm

i feel like tom hardy venom and tom holland spiderman would be awkward. theres something about the way they're both portrayed that just seems like they would clash in a really uncomfortable way

The only thing that I could hope for is that Wandavision or Doctor Strange 2 will cause some crazy multiverse happenings to make the Venomverse and the MCU collide and the characters get to co-mingle

Give up. I am sorry but the popularity and success of this Version shows that people don’t care. Peter Parker was never a special character it sims. He is just miles in the mcu and eventually they will introduce miles in the mcu and people will just accept that and mayday will be forgotten. The character didn’t matter after all this years of existing. Nothing matters.

Nether act like the characters are supposed to be. With that awkward humor and the fact that I cannot imagined Tom Holland being angry, they would probably just have a fight with jokes and then be like best friends. Spider-Man being the sidekick obviously

There's some art out there of Venom being fiercely protective of MCU Spidey.

>Ha ha. Cool bud.

I'd honestly prefer they just went with a Miles MCU spiderman. Corporate Disney gets their diversity points, casuals can enjoy "lol quipping hero did funni" and actual fans can shrug it off as just another offshoot rather than messing with a legacy character.

Better question, why Back Cat is not in the MCU?

All this talk about Miles in this thread makes me wonder if Tom gonna get killed off after his picture deal and be replaced with Miles. Miles IS technically in the MCU and probably wasn't blipped by Thanos, so by the time 2025 (MCU time) hits, he will be revealed in the 3rd movie (probably alongside Silk)

The problem is that many “fans” don’t see the problem with changing a character this way. They see a costume and say oh I guess that is the character. They don’t care about characterization, jus think that there is people who think that dceu superman was the definitive version of that character and they won’t see it otherwise unless they reboot and watch a video in YouTube shiting in the other version.

Mcu butchered spidey. The films are fun enough but as far as I'm concerned hes just an alternate offshoot characters. The mcu is just another ultimate universe but with a shitty spidey

Because she broke her spine.
Even better question, why is Black Cat in the MCU?

There's so much that bothers me from Far From Home that I get so baffled why people love the movie so much:

>>Aunt May discovers Peter's identity as a cliffhanger.
>>She's just cool with Pete as Spider-Man and hardly factors in a film where he's in Europe

>>Peter doesn't really like MJ that much in Homecoming
>>Nevermind, he's now heads over heels about her, and thus we repeat the same plot of Homecoming where he's trying to impress MJ but there's a Love Triangle involved now

>>Ned and Peter was great in Homecoming
>>Ned is fucking obnoxious in Far From Home

>>Iron Man has drone strike glasses and gives them over to Peter. There's never once a mention on how fucked up that he was carrying around glasses that spies on people's privacy as well as get people killed with as much as a simple confirmation to do so.

>>The most talked about thing about FFH is the mid credits cliffhanger.

The way people act like Peter's identity being outed is going to make Spider-Man 3 this super serious and deep film makes me laugh. They'll find some way to shrug off the reveal as meaning nothing like they always fucking do.

I think this will be the case. Because why not? The way marvel make unpopular uninteresting characters mainstream is by just putting them in things. Milse and carol have been in every cartoon and video game this way normies will know they exist and when they get a movie they just have to take stories and bad guys from other actually good characters.

Most likely, when Venom came out Sony couldn't reference Spider-Man characters being used in the MCU like Spider-Man himself. Then, so Marvel could keep Spider-Man in the MCU, Marvel made a deal with Sony where the Venomverse can now reference Spider-Man characters used in the MCU and what they did there so long as they don't mention non-Spidey characters. So, Michael Keaton's Vulture is in the Morbius trailer and so is a reference to the fact that everyone thinks Spidey is a cold-blooded killer now after the Bugle aired that doctored video Mysterio made at the end of FFH. If the leaks are true, than it's also gonna say the prison Vulture and Scorpion were in at the end of Homecoming is the same prison Riot and Carnage were in at the end of Venom, and they're all gonna break out. If that ends up being true, I seriously hope that Marvel acknowledges that Vulture and Scorpion are out of prison...

I can't help but share your sentiments. The fact that people want the Tobey/Garfield/Holland film to happen so badly and yet you know they just want the memes.
>>Make Tobey talk about the dance from Spider-Man 3
That's it. That's the entire reason they want the crossover to happen, and you know they are going to laugh their fucking asses off once they reference the dance from Spider-Man 3.

I fucking dread what movie Black Cat is going to look like. You know they're going to fuck it up very badly.

Attached: 0015ce14c386aa91c5bb6857e6078928.jpg (718x1050, 153.72K)

>>Spend 3 movies with Peter in High School
>>Instantly start over with another Spider-Man in High School
Please don't.

>starting over with another Spider-Man
Nothing new, user

It's more that I don't want to have the Spider-Man about to escape High School and then be yanked back in again.

This really pains me. Like, I don’t want to be the guy who is all “not fun allowed” but they expect me to be ok when they change the things that I loved for years now that they are popular. It’s not that you can not do silly thing like this or that this tinker never happened before. But know that they happen in the movies it makes it seem that that’s all the character is and because it’s a movie and that’s all the general public cares about, they will change the character in other media.

Tom Holland will become iron lad as the líder of the young avengers and miles will be the new spiderman
Geek culture will claim its the perfect and most natural transition.

The answer is nobody cares

Attached: 356DE0F3-F379-4911-965A-882C1298860E.png (501x478, 240.76K)

she will be black with an afro

Isn't DC already making Catwoman black?

>They made a carbon copy of Miles Morales, did nothing but make him Iron Mans lap dog.. now he's coming up to his final movie, and theres yet to be any growth to the character save for "I miss Tony, but I can be Iron man without him". Spiderverse 2 when?
Shit troll but there’s a lot that I’ll never like or accept
>aunt May is hot and 40 and healthy and Italian
>Flash is a poo
>Ned is Ganke, imagine that fatass on Hobgoblins glider
>”MJ” “Michelle” sucks ass
>for the most part this is Peter and miles mashed up
>he can never be out of Starks shadow
>didn’t even make his own suit fucking “designed” one from StarkTech
>his suit literally has a training wheels protocol
>didn’t invent anything cool himself
>anyone can tell they’re planning on replacing Holland when possible with Miles (Prowler being in the first)
>Marvel bowing down to shit whole characters like Chavez and Kamala you know they’ll suck Bendick and put Miles in

Now that is what I call a cat.

All cats are black. All black are cats.

>All this talk about Miles in this thread makes me wonder if Tom gonna get killed off after his picture deal and be replaced with Miles. Miles IS technically in the MCU and probably wasn't blipped by Thanos, so by the time 2025 (MCU time) hits, he will be revealed in the 3rd movie (probably alongside Silk)
>I think this will be the case. Because why not? The way marvel make unpopular uninteresting characters mainstream is by just putting them in things. Milse and carol have been in every cartoon and video game this way normies will know they exist and when they get a movie they just have to take stories and bad guys from other actually good characters.
>adding Kamala
>adding America Chavez
>putting Prowler in the first movie “I’m coming Miles”
>the blip allowing time fuckery and an age slide
>normies already ok with Spiderverse and how White Spider-Man dies so Black Spider-Man can live
Watch in the next couple of movies Holland’s gone, watch the Goblin arc happen and it goes the Ultimate route. Fuck Bendis, fuck Gabby, and fuck Miles.

Not really a troll, spiderverse was the equivalent of having cake and eating it too.. Sony's Miles is actually a decent character(still pretty flat, but better than usual) meanwhile having a jaded Peter that doesn't appear much in comics, but still felt organic and a legitimate possibility for Peter Parker as a character.