Why did Seth ruin Joe?

Why did Seth ruin Joe?

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Fuck the po-lice, fuck fuck fuck the po-lice.

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It's strange how Joe went from the guy that everybody loved to completely pathetic.

Hey Peter

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Seth hasn't stepped into the writer's room of any of his cartoons since the first season of American Dad

He says that but I really doubt it's true. Regardless, putting all the blame on him is silly. The whole writing team is garbage.

Theres no reason to lie about it. Also look at the projects the guy is involved with. Its not hard to imagine he wouldn't want to make time to write those shows. Especially since he still has to make time to VA them along with his other stuff.

>Also look at the projects the guy is involved with

is there any particular reason he got involved with Sing? its not the kind of role you expect that kind of man to be doing

He's got a music carrier so why wouldn't he?

Just Joe? He has managed to ruin every single aspect of this show.

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They voice actor is more popular than seth and gets more gigs.
Seth is an envious fucker. So he made joe shit in spite.

Seth just fucking loves Sinatra and swing music. He'll take any oppurtunity he can to gush about it or show off his singing chops. It's why there was so many episodes of FS JR.

More cripple jokes than badass jokes (plus new writers are hacks who want to move on)

patrick warburton likes playing dorky characters

he's the voice of 90% of the characters on these shows
to say he does nothing really undermines how important voice work is and being he's the creator of the shows it stands to reason he has more control with lines he reads

like he's not improving, but its probably not uncommon where he changes a line

I don't think it has anything to do with him being a cop. Most of the malice is towards him being an annoying and a cripple. Him being a cop only matters when a joke requires a police officer

The cripple jokes went from funny to over the top pretty quickly. They treat Joe like not having legs makes him a subhuman now.

Because every single character must be a miserable self-parody now. There's been an active effort since at least season 12 to make this so. Joe's in a wheelchair, Quagmire's a sex freak, Cleaveland's black, Peter's stupid, Lois hates being a housewife, Chris is horny, Meg is suicidal, Stewie is gay, Brian is a pretentious douche, Bonnie hates Joe, and so on. There's no exceptions, I feel like they sat down one day and decided that this is the direction Family Guy needs to go in now. I just wonder if it was a creative decision or a corporate one

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Joe isn't the only character the writing staff completely fucking ruined.

Nu-Family guy is unironically psychological warfare

Not really dude

It's totally creative, I can't imagine Fox being onboard with any of this crap. They simply allow it because Family Guy is easily their second most popular cartoon.

I can't think of a character that's 180'd harder than him.

From badass Supercop who doesn't let his disability slow him down, and has a loving, doting wife, to pathetic, barely functional cripple whose wife despises and resents him. It's truly bizarre.

This show was ok until they killed off mayor west. Fucking bastards he was the best part of any episode. They need to bring him back like they did to that douchebag brian.

Adam West is dead user.

Uh, you do know who voiced him, right?

They literally turned Joe to a second Meg

Who voiced Adam West?

Adam East... but nobodies seen him since the accident

I've recently been rewatching season 1-3 episodes of FG and it's honestly bizarre how it's just a completely different show with completely different characters.
Peter was still dumb and somewhat irresponsible but mostly meant well and Lois and him still loved each other and their family. Stewie was still evil and had a fantastic duo dynamic with Brian, who was still a voice of reason with the most soothing voice on the planet instead of a pretentious wannabe-intellectual faggot with 0 consistent morals or values. Chris and Meg were honestly never good characters but they were still not the pathetic non-entities they are today and were loved by their parents before being turned into walking one-note jokes.
It really never should have come back from cancellation.

I think his replacement Adam North is terrible. For me, it's Adam South.