Just kill them, Amber.
Kill them all.
Dumbing of Age
Other urls found in this thread:
Looks like that is what will happen, especially with that pathetic "Blanket content warning" he put up at the start of this arc.
I don't know. I think Amber is dumber then Becky.
I only see these strips every now and then when you post them and then I check the threads to see if anybody did any more thicc fanart so I might not know, but is there a reason why they can't just call the fucking police?
Apparently some of the police are part of Blaine's Irish mafia
Because in this strip all adult and authority figures are evil which means that the mob has people working for them in the police department.
Amber's dad, the nutjob wearing the mask in this comic, is a low level enforcer for the mob so that's the reasoning why no one will call the cops and have this done in under 5 minutes.
I only check these threads whenever somebody posts them to see if anybody ever recaps whatever the fuck has been going on. I genuinely wanted to catch myself up after these threads started getting janitized but in a stunning paradox everything moves so slowly that I lose all interest, yet so fast that I can't keep up at my own pace.
did willis seriously give amber's dad mob ties
is this seriously a thing that's happening
are you fucking with me
mob ties
jesus fucking christ
Ah, okay. That's stupid, but at least there's a reason.
That and of course all cops are racists who will shoot black people even if they are held hostage.
So, what, is Toedad a good guy now?
Also, why were they all kidnapped apparently? Mafia bullshit?
Seriously, did Willis run out of ideas and have to bring in the mob? There HAVE to have been some better ideas than fucking Mafia ties.
Toe-dad is still a bad guy who threw in with Amber's mob dad, Blaine, just to get her daughter back. Because he has the literal IQ of a Toe he didn't know Blaine was evil and was going to do all this but hey, it's "God's will" so fuck it, kidnap MORE people!
No, Toedad wants Becky. He magically got bailed by Joyce's parents church group and Amber's dad. They're all cool with Amber's dad being a masked villain and it's implied they're the helpers--who have their own masks.
Honestly ten years of this shit.
I can't believe his fanbase is reading this shit with a collective straight face but I have absolutely zero interesting in trying to find out
Haven't seen new fanart in a while. But here's the whole folder in case there's something you haven't seen:
What did it say?
>I only check these threads whenever somebody posts them to see if anybody ever recaps whatever the fuck has been going on. I genuinely wanted to catch myself up after these threads started getting janitized but in a stunning paradox everything moves so slowly that I lose all interest, yet so fast that I can't keep up at my own pace.
Same. I sometimes find myself going back and getting caught up on the comic for real but just feel unpleasant about it. I've really missed this community where we can discuss this comic critically, without being barraged by the sycophants in the echo chamber.
Willis tends to do that to me. I tell myself that I'm done reading his crap, but my curiosity tends to get the better of me. At least I have a place discuss it without getting berated. It's a great series of lessons about what not to do in writing or drawing.
I'm sorry, are you accusing Willis of not providing a realistic set of dialogue and circumstances?
Toe-Dad is just obsessed with Becky still. Even though she got him put in jail.
If it's anything like Toe-Dad's Wild Ride, they are totally eating it up in the comments. Guarantee it.
That is stupid.
This is just cringe.
What the actual fuck is this comic, i'm so confused.
The previous comic he made where stupid little 1 armed aliens worshiped a tree branch as THE ARTIFACT OF POWER made more sense than this.
It's about a bunch of freshmen (and a few sophomores) in college. It's been going on for 10 years, and they haven't even hit fall break yet.
A 40-year-old man is attempting to write a slice-of-life college comic about what it's like to be a young woman in the modern day. It grossly misrepresents every type of relationship you can think of.
It occasionally shows a glimmer of getting better, but much like that $3 payout at the slot machine after you've spent $40, it's just there to suck up cash and attention.
Added to the Dropbox some new fanart I found on Tumblr. It's mostly Billie and Ruth and mostly SFW.
You're doin' God's work, user.
Happy to help! I actually missed doing this.
>10 years
>Everyone would've graduated twice by now
Jesus fucking christ......
I was a sophomore in college when the comic started. I think that's part of why I attached to it so early on. And the plots were interesting and vaguely realistic. It felt like we were growing up together.
I completed my postgrad degree in 2015.
It's weird to see the characters evolving so rapidly and so slowly at the same time. These relationships are complete whirlwinds that last only a week in-universe but 3 years in real life. It's just weird.
So what's with the fucking superhero shit and the mafia and all this crap?
Amber, one of the main characters, developed a superhero persona from PTSD. She's been running around as a superhero, kind of.
There are some Bad Dads, one of which is her own dad. Her Bad Dad teamed up with Ross, who is Becky's dad. Becky is your plucky lesbian who got kicked out of her Christian college for getting caught kissing her female roommate. Ross came to the school, in an event we call Toe-Dad's Wild Ride (Toe-Dad is a name that was chosen in-universe to refer to Ross, for real), with a gun and tried to kidnap Becky.
He went to jail.
Amber's dad has also been in jail for other psycho abusive stuff. He wants revenge, and Ross is a simpleton enough that he can be manipulated by saying he can get his daughter back.
I guess Amber's dad went for the costume since he'd seen so much of his daughter's costume the last time he showed up??? Honestly, haven't looked at this comic in ages until like a week ago, and despite reading all of this section at once, I don't understand what is really the point, why this is happening.
And I say this as someone who started reading this comic the week it began. This comic has gone so off the rails that I'm losing the ability to describe it.
Willis got bored of his slice-of-life college drama and decided to commit fully to superhero vigilante (think Kickass or Arrow).
For your collection.
What could be worse, a Dumbing of Age/Funky Winkerbean/Channel Awesome crossover?
Thanks! That's weirdly cute. Off to upload!
In a word, Fans