Pretty sure that ain't Toma.
>that pig Foi-Hellick
What tipped you off
Of course it's not Toma. Probably why the dog was going apeshit on the last page.
Hopefully Elka has enough sense that hasn't been knocked out of her to question why he's unrestrained.
I don't like seeing Elka so beat up :(
Me neither. She's bitchy and rude but she's a genuinely good person.
> the traitor, Captain Hetr (hey that rhymes!)
Captain Hater
Also I found I'm not pronouncing Hetr properly, I thought it was like heh-terr, not hay-terr
I want to fuck __Sylvia_
Elka best girl, hates Foi-Hellick as is proper and correct.
>the traitor, Captain Hetr (hey that rhymes!)
>(hey that rhymes!)
goddamnit, first Setty and now this? next I'm gonna find out Emil is pronounced Franklin
I hope Elka is intentionally instigating this doppelganger too
she's a smart cookie, I think she can manipulate even after some smacking
not like it's the first time she's been hit
I wonder if she also got raped
Nah, her pants are on. Fuck, even her breastplate is on.
I hope you've been saying Du-ahn this entire time.
That one got sorted early on.
I've been saying Dwayne because at least that technically incorrect Sharteshanian mispronunciation is still slightly correct by virtue of existing in the comic.
You do realize she's deliberately mispronouncing it to antagonize him, right? It's pronounced doo-ahn ah-del-ee-yay
Alderode apparently sounds kinda French
I'm sure Elka knows it isn't him and just leading him on
Elka is for suffering
I assumed she just found his name incredibly silly for an artificial zombie monster. which is how she proceeds to treat the situation for awhile. I brought this page up specifically because Sette would only here him saying it and wouldn't know how it was spelled.
I'm not sure the extent to which she realizes. She's clearly been hit in the head pretty badly, and perception glamours also don't work if you don't let them/realize. Or would this one be a literal glamour, I wonder.
She's canonically uggo, even if we all think otherwise.
In canon she's got a case of man-face. We don't know how she would stack up if she put on some glamour and actually tried to go femme because she's never done it before.
and uggos arent raped?
Would you rape one?
user, uggos get raped too. Statistically there has to be more uggos getting raped than pretty girls. Lots of rape, only a relative handful of pretty girls to go around. You rape what you can get.
I believe Ashley once described Aldish as something like "Russian trying to sound French".
> Fuck, even her breastplate is on.
Who the fuck interrogate someone with their breastplate on? It's either the most incompetent interrogator around or Cresce has some serious "no touching" military policy of conduct.