Am I the only one who cringes at this?

Am I the only one who cringes at this?

I imagine the rest of the JLA look at Batman kinda like the special ed kid they have to carry around so they won't hurt his feelings.

Seriously, imagine a full grown man in his 30's bellowing this at the top of his lungs, unironically.

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>I imagine the rest of the JLA look at Batman kinda like the special ed kid they have to carry around so they won't hurt his feelings.

OK Zach

>that episode of Justice League Action where Blue Beetle and Batman travel back in time and make jokes about this exact thing

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CN used to have a bumper where Batman spoke that line and I actually thought it was pretty cool

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Never seen that, takes me back to the 2000's

I mean I did too.. and it's not like I'm super mature, I'm still here but it now strikes me as cringy.

i've never particularly liked that line, but think about the kind of people he fights
they're going to unironically ask who he is, and... he's going to need to tell them in an important way that says "be fucking afraid of me"

the JLA don't hear him say it, because when he's around those guys, he stays pretty terse

I'd be like ok dude I'm cosplaying a literature character and I rape lil' kids but that's cringe as hell man.

batman isn't really about vengeance

conroy sells it. it's only later when you look at it and go 'that's... weird, right?'
kind of weirder that Darkwing Duck leapt on it and started knocking the concept right out of the park with customized, Tick-esque metaphors to go with it.

and speaking of DW, what the hell is with his name? I mean sure, ___man is a typical superhero name, but he emphasizes the word Duck at the end the way one would if one's hero name was (Color/adjective) (Animal)
i mean Gizmoduck said the duck part exactly the way we would the 'man' part. So did Negaduck and others...

that is why you aren't the mad hatter, see. that's not how he thinks or the kind of thing he says.
well he is, but nobody knows that unless they know he's Bruce. Gotta be weird to the average villain like "why is he always on about vengeance? what'd I ever do to him?"

oh and also, ducks don't have wings in their universe, so that's even weirder. He should reasonably just be called Darkwing, equivalent to Nightwing.

True, he'd try to put in an Alice reference in there and maybe make it rhyme but you get my point

Conroy is a god. If Bale had said this with his retard voice it never would've worked. Affleck would've been embarrassed to even say it in front of Cavill.

But then he doesn't have an alliterative name, a common trope in comics (though mostly on the other side of the isle).

I'm more concerned about the insane emotional abuse he puts every one of his kids through.

He literally has gotten 3 Robins killed and all of them are messed up, Dick is fine in spite of Bruce, not because of him.

Like, all the other heroes have sidekicks too but when your side kick can bench press the Earth it's not the same. Also Superman didn't make Conner wear speedos.

Also fun fact: in French he's called Myster Mask... because I guess all they took from it was the alliterative name and we're bad at localizing.

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conroy read some baleman lines on rob paulsen's podcast once. they sounded right for the first time ever

I've only taken 2.5 years of Francais and I can come up with a better name in about three seconds

they're shorts, dammit
wearing shorts is how all boys were forced to dress back then, watch any Godzilla movie. the idea was they needed the freedom of flexibility.

Très bien, user.

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>Beetle saying "That's so cool!" to himself at the end
That was necessary, they were going a bit hard.

They're clearly speedos man. Not the bathing suit literally, but they were the type of tights trunks acrobats and circus performers wore over their long rights.

I love this.
God that shit is so fucking wordy, I really hate Goyer. Conroy lends some authority and calm Bale failed to represent, but this still fails for me because of pic related basically. Like shit, subtext, do you do it?

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>they were going a bit hard
welcome to Justice League Action

which are a type of shorts. admittedly, higher- and higher-cut trunks became the thing for superheroes, but that only provides MORE mobility
I'm not saying it was wrong to eventually add tights, I'm just saying there was a time when nobody gave a shit how much skin kids were showing, and everything was a lot better for everyone involved.

>kind of weirder that Darkwing Duck leapt on it and started knocking the concept right out of the park with customized, Tick-esque metaphors to go with it.

I'm pretty sure Darkwing predates BTAS.

it's ironic but also super appropriate that hammy overacting was invented by the stage, where there's no amplification and you have to shout so the cheap seats can hear you, while the best acting is always found in voiceover, where you can be as subtle and quiet as you want because you're inches away from the mic.

you sure? I had to actually think about it pretty hard, but I always forget, and then remember, that BTAS was '92
>Darkwing was '91
the fuck you say. wow.