Who is he gonna play?
Who is he gonna play?
Crimson Chin
I mean if it's multi-verse shenanigans who's to say he won't show up as Ash Williams himself.
He’d be a good Sentry/Bob desu
Thinking about it more, I could totally imagine Dr Strange traveling into a Marvel zombies universe and meeting Ash there.
Ashley G. Williams, eaten by zombie Howard the Duck.
Imagine Bruce Campbell's voice coming out of Shuma-Gorath's body.
I really want Campbell as the Beyonder.
The Living Tribunal, all three faces just different expressions of Bruce.
Mysterio, but the Ramiverse version.
América Chávez
It would be so wonderfully stupid
Is Ash a legitimate possibility? Raimi owns the rights to the character right?
>be a MCU fan
>hate Raimi because his Spider-Man was cearly superior to that pathetic MCU counterpart
>Raimi makes a MCU movie
>automatically love Raimi and any movie he ever made
I want this now.
Yeah but it's crossed over with Marvel before. It's almost definitely not happening but crazier things HAVE happened.
Bro Army of Darkness Ash paved the way for Deadpool
He can and has been in anything and everything
I think he’s related to Brock Sampson canonically
Yup, he's Brock's great-great-great-whatever-grandfather via doing the hippity dippity in the past
>it's gotta be Ash guys!
Campbell is on record saying Ash's story is over and he's done with the character after AvED season 3.
And Mortal Kombat 11 :^)
Doc Druid
Ok,hear me out...
So is Godzilla yet he's canon to the Marvel universe. Not even alternate universe shenanigans, Godzilla legit exists in 616.
Godzilla also exists in Dr. Slump which is apart of the Dragon Ball Universe.
Therefore Marvel and Dragon Ball exist in the same continuity.
Checkmate naythiests.
I would straight up go to the cinema to watch it just for this.
MCU fans don't hate Raimi, but Raimi('s Spider-Man) fans hate the MCU
It's funny how DCfags are on full seething mode right now, there's no need to lie or change the narrative
>going to the cinema
Watch out lads, we got a lunatic.