Besides Mr. Krabs and Lex Luthor, what's your favorite Clancy Brown role?
Besides Mr. Krabs and Lex Luthor, what's your favorite Clancy Brown role?
Gorrath from Megas XLR
not Yas Forums but Kurgan from Highlander
Dr. Cortex
captain black
Captain Black from Jackie Chan Adventures
Red Death
Probably Dr. Cortex or Byron Headley
Brother Justin from Carnivale
Changing my vote Red Death all the way
The Kurgan
I've been hearing his Lex for so long I was really caught off guard when he showed up as Eiling on TV
Yeah, chaning my vote as well.
he's brought so much to this show
I liked Savage in The Clone Wars, and he was a pretty cool Taskmaster in USM and other recent Marvel cartoons.
im torn between Starship Troopers and ShawShank
Long Feng, Red Hulk or Shin Mao
Not Yas Forums, but the guy from Shawshank Redemption
Both easily his best I’d go with Starship Troopers myself, man he was so badass in that.
Doctor Nword Cortex
Rawhide, god rest his soul.
Priest dude in Carnivale.
How are you guys handling his death? Death COVID is taking everyone
Satire or not Starship Troopers just works. I don't know how some people can have it as an all-time worst.
He voiced Zim in Roughnecks, too.
You didn't know? Or did you confuse him with Michael Rosenbaum?
dont you fucking lie to me
No I straight up didn't know that
clancy brown is one of those actors that you forget in in everything