Timm kicked the idea around for years and has even stated an earlier version of "Epilogue" could've been the second...


>Timm kicked the idea around for years and has even stated an earlier version of "Epilogue" could've been the second Batman Beyond movie before weak sales of Return of the Joker killed the project. At a 2019 San Diego Comic-Con panel, Timm even revealed: "Catwoman was going to be our leading villain in the second movie... She was the one who cloned Bruce Wayne to create Terry, but that was going to be our big surprise in our next movie." (Amanda Waller of Cadmus is revealed as the mastermind behind the elaborate scheme in "Epilogue," however. She arranged for the reproductive DNA of Terry's father to be overwritten by Wayne's, via nanobots.)

>But, as stated earlier, Alan Burnett had no role in the official reveal of this massive retcon. As Burnett revealed recently on the Above and Batman Beyond podcast, he's not exactly crazy with this concept. Burnett tells the interviewers: "I never wanted (Terry) on Batman Beyond to have Bruce's DNA...and so I don't accept it. And Bruce (Timm) and I are friendly about this." Burnett goes on to elaborate on his belief that anyone can potentially be Batman. They don't have to be "heir to the throne, they don't have to have the same DNA. It's your own willpower that makes you the superhero."

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I was never bothered by the epilogue reveal of Terry technically being Bruce's biological son. In fact, I think it says a lot more about Terry's character. Despite the efforts of Amanda Waller, and Bruce's own teachings, Terry was his own man, and his own Batman. Not only does this mean Terry has his own methods, which in turn finally put The Joker to rest, but it meant that he didn't have to make the same mistakes Bruce did. While Bruce became isolated and bitter, Terry actually had loved ones who stood by him.

So yeah its still kind of a bullshit connection, but at least Terry McGinnis wasn't a carbon copy Batman trying to be everything his predecessor was.

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It was a fucking horrid, stupid idea.

Both the idea of Terry being Bruce's biological son and Catwoman becoming the big bad were shitty ideas.
Under what justification would Selina ever do that???

Does Tim always come up with shitty ideas?

>We ruined Joker so we figured we'd also try ruining Catwoman
I'm glad it didn't happen. Fuck Batman Beyond.

Under the justification that Batman Beyond was fucking retarded.
Why would Joker be upset by someone laughing at him? That didn't make any fucking sense either.

>We ruined Joker
Fucking what? Beyond was great, faggot

The only thing I didn't like about Beyond were the Jokerz. I thought it was ridiculous that these people wanted to show off their strength and badassery by dressing up like clowns. How foolish I look for thinking that 20 years later.

too fucking bad.
fuck off. fuck right off.

Beyond was faggy fucking garbage.

Because Joker is a psycho who can't handle the Bantz despite his gimmick.
It's the DC universe, costumed gangs aping successful villains seems like a logical conclusion.

>"Burnett goes on to elaborate on his belief that anyone can potentially be Batman. They don't have to be "heir to the throne, they don't have to have the same DNA. It's your own willpower that makes you the superhero."
it's been done and better thanks to based marvel. batfaggots just couldn't stop wanking bruce wayne.

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>I thought it was ridiculous that these people wanted to show off their strength and badassery by dressing up like clowns.
Within the context of the universe it makes perfect sense
You're an underaged faggot who didn't even watch the show, fuck off

>You're an underaged faggot who didn't even watch the show, fuck off
Don't project your insecurities onto me, underaged faggot.

>No u
Last (You) you're getting, attention whore. Go do your assigned homework since schools are shut and learn something.

Batman Beyond was faggy fucking shit.

Terry commits a crime and gets rewarded for it.
Terry does none of the physical work.
Terry does none of the detective work.
Terry kills people.
Terry's personality just jock Peter Parker.

Does anyone remember the story where Kids WB wanted a Batman Beyond sequel with Terry on mars or some shit?

terry being bruces son is bullshit

Does your mommy know you're on the computer, baby dick fag?
No u is the only response you deserved considering you accused me of being underaged and not seeing the show based solely on me not fucking liking it, you faggot.


Based Burnett. He never gets the credit that Timm and Dini usually get. He came up with the Two-Face two-parter, was the story editor for most of B:TAS, and even fixed The Batman during its fourth season before the WB execs put their foot down for the fifth one.

Is this man the biggest cuck in western animation history? He literally had his DNA unknowingly rewritten so the children conceived with his own sperm aren't actually biologically his.

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>Within the context of the universe it makes perfect sense

Mind providing me with that context? I still can't make sense of it. I'm guessing the movie and by extension the death of the original Joker hadn't been written yet, but it seems strange to me that the Joker had been presumed dead for several decades at that point and yet there still exist copycats.

>Why would Joker be upset by someone laughing at him?
He was upset that Terry wasn't acting like "his" Batman.

Lot a samefagging going on in this thread.

The Joker was still a legend, presumed dead or not there were likely tons of theories that he just walked off into the sunset or even was still at large what with all the copycats. It makes sense that edgy kids and similar psychos would want to steal some of that shine.

yes, it's just as bullshit as cloning Bruce. DCfags have this problem of making sacred cows out of first version characters and bitching about nay changes or replacements. it's why DC can't commit to rebooting and keeps having crisis events.

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Terry's villains are mostly copies of Spider-Man's.
>Blight - Molten Man
>Inque - Venom
>Spellbinder - Mysterio
>Shriek - Shocker
>Stalker - Kraven


I guess that makes sense. Batman is evidently still well known enough for Terry to not think it was just Bruce's rape dungeon.

>Terry commits a crime and gets rewarded for it.
Barbara was always on his ass, and Bruce seldom applauded when Terry used skills from his criminal past to do Batman work.
>Terry does none of the physical work.
He's not being a martial artist since young like Bruce, he just started receiving training
>Terry does none of the detective work.
He actually does, but it was usually straight up breaking into places or interrogating perps
>Terry kills people.
I mean, shit happens in Neo-Gotham.
They've taken all the lessons criminals learned from yesteryear and made things so much worse so only the most intrusive force impedes common or corporate crime now.

The show illustrated with Max and a few other drop outs that if not for Terry's more blunt approach a lot of things would just go ignored now since unlike with Jim the police are less inquisitive about every nook and corner, and at times are even paid off to look away, some parents don't even report things anymore, they just move on.

you are talking about a franchise of some billionary dressing up for halloween and punching bad guys with bat-shaped boomerangs, but clown gangs is where you draw the line?

In a sense yes, but he also probably divorced his wife the second time they popped out a black haired kid who looks nothing like him. Still I respect him being a dad to Terry even with the implication that he suspected he wasn't his
real father.

He breaks into Bruce's house and steals the suit.
The suit does all the physical work.
Bruce whispers all the detective work into Terry's ear.
Not killing people was Bruce's ONE FUCKING RULE

other than spellbinder you are absolutelly fucking wrong.