"If parents and educators could beam messages into kids' heads telling them to stay in school and not do drugs...

"If parents and educators could beam messages into kids' heads telling them to stay in school and not do drugs, we wouldn't have shows like Arthur and Franklin. If toy companies could beam messages into kids' heads telling them to buy the latest doll or action figure, we wouldn't have shows like He-Man and Ninja Turtles. If TV writers were clever enough to be stand-up comedians, they wouldn't need to use shows like the Simpsons and South Park to make fun of society."

Attached: john k.jpg (650x975, 164.13K)

>We live in a society
Get fucked, John K.

Attached: john kricfalusi worlds most powerful rapist.png (208x243, 8.14K)

Literally what did he mean by this?

Considering everything he did to Robyn and Katie, it's amazing they turned out relatively normal and didn't become the next Aileen Wuornos.

Shut up John

If John K could meet deadlines and be able to work with other people, he'd still have a viable career in animation.

>hating on cheesy edutainment and toy commercial shows
Fair enough.
>those damn writers think they're so smart!
John K's vendetta against all writers is my favorite of his pissy little obsessions.

>expecting women to totally shatter because they had to put up with some pervy douche
What a sheltered life you must enjoy.

>John K's vendetta against all writers is my favorite of his pissy little obsessions.
Is it autism that john k has an axe to grind with writers?

kek, how do you compare these mousy little cartoonist girls to somebody like Wuornos, so little in common

Note he always gives Mike Judge's shows a pass because they're friends.

I agree. Also, they simply were 2 whiny weak-minded girls who didn't have the right attitude and they're definitely not normal either.

>If I could beam my sexual advances into my protegee's minds...oh yeah I would've still been caught

ok john

Remember when he wrote about when he was a teenager and his dad tried to hit on his girlfriends and he was ok with it?

>stand-up comedians

John, this isn't helping.

Attached: t85.png (589x703, 165.76K)

Animators in America hate writers they they think we are stealing work. Ironically, Freakazoid was made by the head writer who voiced the character and ad libbed his lines

Is it wrong if i still respect him as an animator and for his contributions to the medium back in the early 90s ? He's an asshole and a bad person, but he still has a better understanding of animation and visual communication than any cartoon creator right now.

Remember how John was generally pretty ignorant of anime outside Speed Racer and Astro Boy and shit on it until Katie forced him to actually sit and watch some stuff.

I wish.


He’s saying that only he and the cartoons he likes are made by cartoonists for the sake of the art of cartooning. Arthur, Franklin, He-Man, Ninja Turtles, the Simpsons, and South Park wouldn’t exist, but Ren and Stimpy would

'ate calarts
'ate disney
'ate veiled subversion
love me john k
love me newgrounds
love freedom
simple as

Now that the dust has settled, did he really run this account?

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Writers have always been there. I'd say it's more like the animators think they're so creative that they can write too, so who needs writers!? Then we get steven universe...

Attached: D44EAD18-B6E2-442A-A81D-C2D1DC25041E.jpg (1080x1920, 170.36K)

Clearly not. Even when she first posted, some people noted that's not the way John talks. Probably one his blog commenters spazzing out.

I always felt this was strange. Mike Judge is like the antithesis of John K in every way. His cartoons are made to be (mostly) stiff and limiting on expression, while John goes hog wild with that stuff. Mike is a well rounded guy while John is fucking bonkers. How are they friends outside of wanting more mature animation?

If animators were good at writing we wouldn't have shit products like cans without labels