Cartoon Network is airing a Sesame Street Coronavirus Special. Anyone watching...

Cartoon Network is airing a Sesame Street Coronavirus Special. Anyone watching? Elmo wants to play with his friends but due to the virus he is stuck at home and using his internet to do virtual playdates. Grover cannot work a computer. Grover also just delivered groceries to people on the street so he's fucked.

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Tell Elmo, Abby and the rest of his "gang" to stay indefinitely in and let the rest of the muppets out and we might have another SS golden age

It's also airing on PBS and all WarnerMedia channels. Considering the circumstances, I don't mind this.

>I am still being used
Who would abuse Elmo?

It's also on TBS and TNT, for some reason.

They did a simcast for that lame talkshow too

Oh interesting, I finally flipped away from TBS earlier and saw that Sesame Street was on CN on my guide so it caught my attention. Virtual Playdate made me wonder if it was a current situation special.

Corporate synergy. HBO is the first-run home for Sesame Street now and HBO is run by WarnerMedia (Turner no longer exists).

Because those channels are part of WarnerMedia.

These cows

Abby is here.

Looked like a Jim Davis drawing

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Did Rosita just have a stroke?

oh ok

How old is Elmo? Why does he have sexy actresses on his Skype?

>head shoulders knees and toes
I have not heard that in like 2 decades

>It's also on TBS and TNT, for some reason.
>Corporate synergy. HBO is the first-run home for Sesame Street now and HBO is run by WarnerMedia (Turner no longer exists).
Also going to be on HBO max this might take Disney+ plus down a peg


>Grover died and his spirit is livestreaming on the way to heaven
rip, he shouldn't have delivered those groceries


Hopefully they have old Sesame Street seasons as well.

>big bird never
I feel like I don't see him in anything anymore. He isn't in that government census commercial, the washing hands commercial which is just chibi Elmo and some hens, or the cookie monster alexa commercial.

DId they phase him out or is he just secondary?

Poor Big Bird lives outside. He's just lucky birds can't contract the virus...that we know of.

At this point, Big Bird is lucky to get any screentime. You think anybody wants to be in that costume any longer than necessary? Carol Spinney practically killed himself for decades over it.

Elmo's dad is fucking great.

There was a tiger who contracted it. At this rate, I don't think ANYTHING is immune.


Why were the last 10 seconds so fucking uncomfortably eerie.

Being the corporate mascot for something like Sesame Street despite not being good at english for so many decades must be tiring.

>that voice

Attached: wrong kid died.png (1666x1598, 1.09M)

Big Bird is only kept around and used for occasional main plots because he's the original main character and adults would bitch if he was truly gone
He doesn't seem to relate to the Elmo fixed youth. Cookie is lucky that he does

Damn, Big Bird was always such a loveable character.

Is it still ongoing? Is anyone recording it?

It's the uncomfortable uncertainty of all of this, knowing only that the status quo has changed permanently, likely for the worse. People losing their jobs as companies attempt to stay afloat, the economy slipping towards a recession so bad that it might as well be the new Great Depression, an indifferent government that's tearing itself apart at the seams.

Even when things reopen, it'll never be as it was before, the isolation and fear-mongering (no matter if it came from a place of genuine concern) has damaged us, people will be paranoid of large crowds wnd anyone who even clears their throat or sniffles. The children especislly, the ones whom this special was aimed at, will carry some form of trauma from this for most of their lives. Normally it's easy to reassure the public that things will return to normal, but we don't even know what normal will look like at the end of the tunnel.

This is now a Bertstrips thread.

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How am I supposed to find a stop sign if I can't leave my house? HOW ELMO HOW?

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>Just wearing the headpiece and a glove
Hardly an effort.

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Why are conservatives such petty little bitches. They literally control every major political branch and can still play the victim about how everything is liberals and their SJW conspiracies fault.

>Waaah why did a show that created a psa for managing social distancing get Muh Taxpayer money! That only belongs too the Military Industrial Complex I love so much!

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Well to be fair, he does only have one hand. The puppeteer inside the costume uses one arm to control the head and beak and the other arm as the actual arm of Big Bird

I didn't see it. What exactly happened? Was it just like an awkward silence as the video chat ended or something?

I had to go out today, i got a power ranger villain figure while i was at target