This wasn't saying "adults can't watch cartoons for kids"...

This wasn't saying "adults can't watch cartoons for kids", it was saying "adults can't fundamentally change cartoons that millions of kids already like so they can feel less insecure for watching it".

If you thought the episode was expressing the former message, you're a faggot and need to get off my board.

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But they literally said that adults can't enjoy cartoons and any attempts to give them gravitas will scare kids.
This of course, coming from adults who grew up loving cartoons.

wrong, stop watching children cartoons right now

>adults can't watch cartoons for kids
It's more that it's not good. I don't need to enjoy it know that

Do you honest to god unironically believe that the TTG crew holds that belief?? Beast Boy and Cyborg only came to that conclusion when they realized that THEY couldn't enjoy the clown after changing it.

If you can enjoy cartoons, you can enjoy Teen Titans Go for what it is instead of going "hmm, needs more lore and worldbuilding and 3d complex multi-layered characters and arcs". Only deviantart mongoloids do that.

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I don't think they believe it. I think they presented their intended argument, which is what you presented, in a way that came across more like the argument I presented.

More unintentional hypocrisy than anything else.

>no off-model bullshit
>updates regularly, no hiatuses that take millions of years
>better animation than PPG, SU, Clarence and B10
>literally makes reboots better just by touching them
>makes fun of incels and deviantartfags
>makes fun of mr. enter's mentality and moral values
>no story arcs (meaning if one episode sucks, the entire season won't suffer)
>starfire and raven

is there literally any show more based

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>Literally posts an image that is off model

>If you can enjoy cartoons, you can enjoy Teen Titans Go
No because it's fucking stupid. The rando-lul-dumb humor is cancer and I hate that with a passion. I think it is a hindrance and a disservice to action animation genre.

Anyone with tastes will agree TTG is cancer.

Honestly while they're not exactly the best at presenting the points here, but the main characters are meant to be jackasses. They're a representation of the person you become if you only ever do surface level thinking when it comes to these subjects.

Or alternatively, the kind of person you become if you insert too many "look at me i'm so black and edgy" mantras into a show that's meant to be bright and colorful AND you stop enjoying it by Season 8. "I guess I've grown out of this show because I'm more mature! What other reason could there possibly be??"

Nobody has actually given me a reason as to why the action genre is better other than stating what the action genre is supposed to offer at minimum, or "we need more diversity!!!"

>I say that "adults can't fundamentally change cartoons that millions of kids already like so they can feel less insecure for watching it".
>You express teen titans go is cancer because you think it's mere existence is an insult, and would rather have it cancelled to get another action cartoon in it's place

Thanks for literally proving my point, faggot.

Fuck off back to tumblr you fucking child. TTG is cancer and will always be cancer.

I'm sure you're tons of fun around children.

It might surprise you but you can not like a thing. Strange concept I know.

You're the exact kind of asshole who'd see a picture of only children enjoying teen titans go, get offended and start saying "BUT WHAT ABOUT ADULTS!!!! WE CAN ENJOY CARTOONS TO!!!!!!!"

You think anyone believes this is a stigma that needs to be """proven"""? People only say this when they want attention and care being taken away from children. This literally the exact mentality faggots like you and Enter have.

Ironically, in your vein quest to prove adults can enjoy cartoons too, you're the only one perpetuating the idea that there's an argument adults can't enjoy cartoons in the first place.

Yeah. I'm saying the reason you don't like it makes you insecure and faggy. Am I not allowed to dislike another person disliking something for a shit reason?

I love how an establishment funded show has any sway on how they can educate that adults cannot enjoy something for children without going full straw-manning. Clear signs of low fruits and small dickary.

I don't like it because it is loud and annoying childish gibberish. Are you a baby that needs keys jingling in front of you to grab your attention? Goo-goo-gah-gah?!

Do you even know what a strawman is? It's when you construct a shitty version of the opponent's argument in order to make it easier to fight. Everyone's arguments in this thread are already super shit and easy to fight, yours included.

You're literally strawmanning the argument from "some adults are insecure for trying to change things plenty of children and other adults already like (because believe it or not, adults like teen titans go)" to "adults watching cartoons bad".

>you literally pulled that statement from a teen titans go parody made by a fart-fetish brony artist

>Everyone's arguments in this thread are already super shit and easy to fight, yours included.
>childishly insulting
All seems like good examples to hate something that is not to your tastes. Especially when transforming a medium that was action orientated into randumb humor driven dribble. Take your corporate bootlicking opinions elsewhere.

>>you literally pulled that statement from a teen titans go parody made by a fart-fetish brony artist
Who are you quoting and why do you even know about fart fetish brony faggotry? Are you fucked?

>This wasn't saying "adults can't watch cartoons for kids"
Until this thread I've never seen anyone actually give that interpretation.

The most common complaint I've seen is that it's saying "cartoons for kids are supposed to be stupid clown acts." I don't have a horse in this race, but I do think the writers have a pretty insulting view of all the people who have to work hard to actually make the cartoon.
Not to mention an insulting view of children; if anything, kids deserve high-quality media since they're so impressionable. If I had spent a chunk my childhood watching shitty shows just because they were pushed by a network, I know I'd regret that.

More like TTGO is no different that Family Guy and other shows that desperatly result to the lowest common denominator and then try to say they are actually smarter than everyone else because they acknowledge that they revel in stupidity.

This show smells

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>Do you honest to god unironically believe that the TTG crew holds that belief

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>>makes fun of incels and deviantartfags
gumball makes fun of rule 34 artists

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What are these trashy mentally ill designs?

No one cares Jelenic, stop making threads about you show.

>It's a Yas Forums thinks animation should be held back as a medium and things like a story or three dimensional characters are a bad thing episode.

>transforming a medium that was action orientated into randumb humor driven dribble
I hated it when it happened to Spongebob and I hate it here.
At least Spongebob has the nostalgiawank and animation to back itself up.

>implying the other way around is any better

>wahhhh my avatar clone got taken off the air in favor of more johnny test!!!!

>wahhhh c. martin croker is dead and never coming back ablobloblo

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