Best place to download CBR graphic novels

Subject pretty much says it all. I'm looking for websites to download my favorite marvel/dc/wildstorm/image/darkhorse comics, preferably bundled instead of having to download individual issues, but I'll take what I can get. Adding board relevant pictures for bumps :)

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Attached: 11.jpg (600x900, 105.11K)

nice try fbi im not letting you shut down my comic sources

nooooo I'm just stuck inside and want comics to read :(

Attached: 290.jpg (422x640, 77.14K)

Attached: 207_roberto.gif (531x389, 17.45K)

I don't use CBR.
I change the format to their proper archive and then extract the pages.

Where can I download the files to format?

Attached: 1096591-23_deadpool__merc_with_a_mouth_10.jpg (899x999, 150.26K)

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Attached: Rorschach.jpg (483x522, 80.22K)

Attached: spaceghost18mx.jpg (575x865, 56.22K)

absolute mad lad.

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Attached: Sketch_15___Sinestro_Corps_by_Cinar.jpg (829x1008, 314.99K)

what i don't find in bulk on pirate bay, i grab from getcomics.

also the proper board for this would be it's for threads specifically making requests.

Attached: The_Infinity_Gauntlet_by_RyusukeHamamoto.jpg (595x842, 333.16K)

Thank you for the advice. I'll try over there, but usually don't get much assistance on that board.

Attached: marvel-zombies-20060123005701792.jpg (1594x2250, 724.76K)

Attached: Arkham_promo_dos_by_Chuckdee.jpg (900x641, 225.87K)

Attached: alex-ross-new-mutants.jpg (900x1326, 251.61K)

Attached: sketch_47__daredevil___elektra_by_cinar.jpg (650x928, 236K)

Attached: archangel_and_a_storm_are_comming_to_heroes_2015_by_brohawk-d8xa90k.jpg (800x1143, 333.43K)

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Attached: spider_man_archives_by_felipemassafera.jpg (502x700, 114.95K)

Delete this, faggot

Attached: Bub_by_lukedenby.jpg (800x852, 227.89K)

Attached: Guardians-of-the-Galaxy-25-150884797.jpg (531x800, 305.88K)

Attached: SienkiewiczBill_elektra_Chic03_sm.jpg (630x850, 103.12K)

Attached: dc-in-july-2007-20070416094847975.jpg (480x720, 65.72K)