Agents of SHIELD to begin in May

Agents of SHIELD will begin its final season on May 27, concluding the MCU's longest lasting TV series!

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>concluding the MCU's longest lasting TV series!
>the MCU
Oh boy, here we go again.

>agents of not canon

Be sure to check out Marvel's Agents of SHIELD on Wednesdays, shitposter-kun!

how will they fight the coronavirus?

By the power of high quality writing, awesome world building, and the fact that unlike other MCU properties most of the season was finished up and ready to air before the pandemic picked up.

Surprisingly enough, lethal infectious plagues transmitted through bats that threaten humanity was actually a plot point of season 6. Fun stuff.

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>implying that matters
Still the best capshit on TV.

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Is Robot Coulson gonna knock up Peggy?

Shit, I haven't watched this since like mid season 3.
I bet the whole show is totally different now.
Weird how long this show lasted. Netflix Marvel just came and went in the meantime.

Agents of SNEED

We can only hope
Ha, imagine any of the AoS cast getting up with Peggy. Funny thought

If you have time to kill, you should watch the rest. Season 4 picks up quality alot and it just gets better and better with each season


Haha, yeah, imagine Peggy pegging Daisy while Gemma suckles on her breasts. Wouldn't that be funny?

>I bet the whole show is totally different now.
You better believe it. We took space shrooms and got high at a casino.

>The reveal that either Mac or Deke cucks both Sousa and Steve out of the Peggybowl
I hope they do some crazy shit

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>I hope they do some crazy shit
Well, they already had their ending a season ago, everything since has been fun shitposting incarnate, so I'm sure we'll get something now that time travel is in the mix.

Yup. If season 5 could be treated as a finale, this is more of crazy ass DLC, and I'm not complaining. Season 6 was just fun

Characters from MCU are in this. It's MCU.

Wait I thought we already had the last season?

Final season. Maybe they'll finally clinch it as an alternate timeline created when Fury decided to allow Coulson to die / too save his life at any cost?

We did, but then they network kicked in the doors after the final episode aired demanding MORE.

Now the witters are doing things just for the hell of it because they are no longer afraid of being canceled.

Fuuuuck that could actually happen


>Shit, I haven't watched this since like mid season 3.

It got better.

I find the Agents the most asexual bunch of heroes I have ever seen.

Oh, so this shit is finally gonna be over? Thank God. Fuck that hapa cunt Chloe Bennet.

You just say that because you can never have that booty.

But can the Agents beat Coronaward Virus?

Asking the tough questions there

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Wait, this show is still on? Sweet Christ.

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Was season 5 the really bad one?

This show feels like such a relic, it's weird. Like, this has been around since Iron Man 3, and the initial promise was that it would tie into the MCU films, and yet here we are.

Though to be honest, I would be more pleasantly surprised if they do pop up in the MCU over the first X-Men mention.

The last season I watched ended with coulson and cavalry on an island and the jet flying off presumably before the snap
Which season was that?