
Anons, what are your thoughts on the fan project about My Life as a Teenage Robot that has the goal of making two seasons worth of content? It is known as MLaaTR Rebooted.

You think it could work out or die out like that Invader Zim project? Apparently Rob Renzetti supports this.

Pic related is concept art of an original character set to appear in the fan series.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Some more concept art.

I must say, from what I seen, this is quite an ambitious project with a good amount of progress made. Although, I am not confident in whoever they will have to do voice work. Most people online can't read scripts naturally like they are conversations.

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You can't just make more seasons of a show because you want more

All fanfiction is shit.

Apparently they are doing it anyway for the last four years, and don't intend on making a profit. Beside, Viacom hasn't sent a cease-and-desist letter yet. Maybe they don't care or are waiting for them to finish their work to claim their efforts as their property to make a profit off. Free labor.

Also, a dude managed to make a Friday the 13th fan movie featuring an actor from the past movies with no issue.

Depends on which ones we ate talking about. Some are comedy gold.

You realize this isn't the place to be shilling your own fanfiction project, right?
When are you going to release something about your first episode? It's been six years already and I haven't heard as much as a single peep about it

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Not my project, user.

Also, they released a synopsis for the first episode along with others.

The episode is going to be called Activation Day. Here is the synopsis from their website.
>In the year 2067, Dr. Noreen Wakeman, a scientist specializing in robotics, battles the police force of Skyway Patrol over the continuation of her “questionable” experiments. But with all honesty, who could blame the Skyway Patrol? After the Armaggedroid Incident, Wakeman can’t be trusted with defensive androids any further. However, with the rise of a new-found alien terror, the stubborn officers may not have a choice in the matter. In order to save the planet, a hero must be born.

Link to the page with the synopses for the other episodes.

i remember this.
i remember sending them some OCs
Thank god i used some shitty Microfost Email program and probably it wasn't sent

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>Origin story
First red flag right there. It's gonna be shit.

Probably just going to be based primarily on Nora. If memory serves me, the original show had plans for a whole episode about a young Nora that never came to be

Kek. Also, if it did get sent, it likely is forogtten by now.

And with good reason. The show had about as much lore as Looney Tunes and frankly never needed any more than that.

What good reason? Rob just wasn't able to do it because it was season 3 and the show got cancelled. It was suppose to happen in that season but Nick ordered a specific amount so extra concepts for episodes were undone like that ghost character that never happened.

An episode about Nora isn't really that lore heavy to me. I would complain about it getting too much lore by diving into who created Vexus and Cluster Prime. Machines aren't simply born, you know?

If it actually captures the original shows style and there's nothing out of character, then count me in this could be pretty good.

And if anything, they did Rob a favor. TeenBot doesn't need to have lore, just likable characters.

Found an image of an animatic that shows only a small part. Some YouTuber posted it to show off how they added some Easter egg.

Last year, we were suppose to see the animatic for the first episode but was delayed for the end of Summer last year.

That YouTuber should just post the animatic.

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They placed a heavy emphasis to artist s that join to replicate the deco style of the show. The website even tells artists to look at the sketch artwork made for the show by one of its former artists on Flickr to get an idea. Heck, they released a couple of title cards that are like the original show.

Art wise, they are trying to be faithful. Character wise? I don't know until they release an animatic or something.

Title card art.

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It isn't lore to have an episode of a young Nora's shenanigans. Probably would have added more depth to her. Nothing to reply like about her.

It will crash and burn.


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Since this is a MLaaTR thread, what do you guys think a remake would be like? It is inevitably going to happen someday officially.

Does that typically happen with fan projects?

XJ0 or some other draw friend?

Usually. People don't do 3 core things:
>NOT give up
>form a team and work together
>actually work hard BEYOND ideas and concept art

Good thing they are beyond those then. They already recorded stuff, making animatics, written scripts, and post quite regularly on social media.

3D model made by the crew that is being used as a pose reference for more complex scenes.

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>fan reboot
>two season
I don´t believe them