I like how this is officially canon to the Bug's Bunny lore now

I like how this is officially canon to the Bug's Bunny lore now.

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Other urls found in this thread:


What’s even worse, is that this means Newgrounds Style is canon

How so?

Original video got copyright claimed by WB

That’s not how canon works retard

What's worse bugs bunny being a rapist, or xj9 being gang raped by gorgons...

How stupid do you have to be to keep saying this?

newgrounds incels are fundamentally retarded

Oh, come ON.

First the Viacom claim of that stupid Zone parody, now this from WB?

None of those parodies are canon. Ownership does not equate to canon, companies can still own non-canon material.

Cal arts Scum

Maybe so, but that line is intentionally put there to be a joke, with its punchline just being the ramifications of what was just spoken.

Maybe, but that's how it works now. You want it bitch? okay, but now it's canon

Shouldn't Bugs be a lot more fit, considering all the athletic shit he does just to troll Elmer? And on top of that, it's pretty hard to rape a dude.

>Newgrounds Style

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all the fat is actually skin
did you not see his giant ass leg?

>Maybe, but that's how it works now
You don't decide how trademark laws and copyright laws work pal

>it's pretty hard to rape a dude.
Elmer is also a fucking midget, the average user here could probably rape him.

>ITT: Meatcuck shills thinks copyright claims = canon

How do we know it's a shill and not Meat Canyon himself making these threads?

fuck off

And you are absolutely right buddy, but "canon" has nothing to do with those.

Attached: 25 tweets.png (594x636, 198.17K)

Why do I not believe his claim?

you really think someone would do that?
go on the internet and tell lies?

Either he's lying (likely) or he really does not understand animation and the shows he makes if he's not even aware this place exists

Oh like how Zone's porn is canon to My Life as A Teenage Robot.

What's the legality of selling copyrighted characters on your t-shirts?

Yeah, when ol' Humpty does his balancing act, it draws crowds.

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Because you're a schizo.

Perfectly legal if it's transformative.

Are you implying that knowledge of this shitty board is required to make "good" cartoons? Are you retarded, or just pretending, I'm genuinely curious.

No, it's not.

Renzetti said that only what he himself and the original MLaaTR crew made (meaning the 3 seasons, movies and Nick comics) are canon.

Here’s a link to the tweet he sent:

>Are you implying that knowledge of this shitty board is required to make "good" cartoons
I doubt he is into animation to an extensive knowledge if he isn't at least somewhat aware of one of if not the the biggest western cartoon discussion sites out there
I think if he's making parodies of said animation he need to get the actual material he's working with, and I'm doubting that if he's claiming ignorance of the simplest of things
Either way that was November 9th, the Meatcanyon spam started way after that with the Bugs video so it's possible for both to be true

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Imagine actually thinking that all of the animators not in the big leagues have to know about some specific subset of a Bolivian tarantula wrestling newsletter. Imagine actually having that much of an unwarranted sense of self importance.

Accidentally kept bumping the thread when I did not want to, also replied to the wrong post once, too.

stop spamming this everywhere goddamn