So how often do people accidentally see up Giganta's skirt?

So how often do people accidentally see up Giganta's skirt?

Attached: Giganta upskirt.png (1259x635, 536.25K)

Never. it's always intentional.

False, actually. There was an issue of McDuffie’s JLA run where Black Canary makes a comment on it.

Apparently Giganta goes commando and doesn’t sit like a lady. Not joking.

Imagine when she needs a piss.

So is she just flashing people on purpose then?

Imagine if she accidentally farted on your house lol

More a case that she just doesn't have any sense of modesty and puts no thought into it.

About as often people see up a giant's skirt.

Attached: hqdefault[1].jpg (480x360, 11.5K)

Giganta drowning someone in her piss WHEN

People never talk about it because she's actually the inspiration behind Pretty Melt