So how often do people accidentally see up Giganta's skirt?
So how often do people accidentally see up Giganta's skirt?
Henry Thomas
Jaxson Gonzalez
Never. it's always intentional.
Jackson Roberts
False, actually. There was an issue of McDuffie’s JLA run where Black Canary makes a comment on it.
Apparently Giganta goes commando and doesn’t sit like a lady. Not joking.
Asher Foster
Imagine when she needs a piss.
Michael Stewart
So is she just flashing people on purpose then?
Kevin Gutierrez
Imagine if she accidentally farted on your house lol
Carson Bailey
More a case that she just doesn't have any sense of modesty and puts no thought into it.
Gabriel Ramirez
About as often people see up a giant's skirt.
Josiah Jones
Giganta drowning someone in her piss WHEN
Blake Miller
People never talk about it because she's actually the inspiration behind Pretty Melt