Can we have a She Hulk thread?
Can we have a She Hulk thread?
>chyna will never reprise her role
Very sad, she was perfect.
First for fuck Jason Aaron
She Hulk is great, but wouldn't it have been easier to draw people into the thread if the opening pic had been in color?
If they aren't reading, fuck em.
Have Cap and Shulkie ever dated or had tension? I think he's the only guy in this pic she hasn't kissed or fucked.
I't like to second this user's post and remind everyone that Jen is more than just a great piece of ass, she's arguably one of the best heroines ever conceived in the big two.
She was.
Jen was great because she was never meant or created to be great. For all intents and purposes she should have the career that Spider-Woman has had. But she didn’t, with good writers (not Aaron) and Cheesecake art coupled with hilarious jokes and an amazing charm, she entered into our hearts and never left. She’s everything we would want in a heroine. Also I love her (and by extension DD) because of her being a lawyer.
>can't have a She-Hulk thread anymore without some brainlet opining about Aaron's run without actually knowing anything about it
>it's all imageposting and no discussion about previous runs as if anybody read them or matter today because it was all non sequitur with no intention of creating She-Hulk lore
no, we cannot have a She-Hulk thread.
Casting news soon right?
Didn't Aaron just run with the "She Hulk is just Hulk with tits" concept that some other writer brought back for her, from Civil War 2 related PTSD or some shit?
Not that it excuses it. You got characters out here like Miles Morales who are struggling for distinguishing features, and then you have braindead writers who will take spinoff characters and literally file off all their distinguishing traits.
>can't have a She-Hulk thread anymore without some brainlet opining about Aaron's run without actually knowing anything about it
I'm sorry, did Aaron not completely fucking ruin a great character?
>>can't have a She-Hulk thread anymore without some brainlet opining about Aaron's run without actually knowing anything about it
Because it's sex negative bullshit by having Jen choose to be dumb ugly brute because she suddenly hates looking good? Tamaki had Jen working through PTSD with her dumb brute form being a bad thing she needed to overcome and get back to her classic self, which she did. Aaaron ignored and regressed her for his bullshit. I don't see how you can defend Aaaron. And we have concerns about his fucked up Jen being in the D+ show and being pushed going forward, so unless we get Jen fixed back to her classic self permanently, we're not going to let it go.
>Can we have a She Hulk thread?
For what purpose? Every thread turn into "hurr durr Aaron" even though he not the one did it in the first place
Fuck you, Aaron. Yeah we know Bendis grey'ed Jen in Civil War 2, but you don't get to scapegoat him for your trash
Did she grow that leotard when she transformed?
Wore it under her street clothes. Stretchy spandex.
Yeah but she clearly wasn't wearing it in her normal human form? Look at the neckline on her, she isn't wearing it.
That time she became a shortstack was nice.
Man-Elepahnnt gonna squeeze some Shukie tiddy.
Tamaki had already restored Jen to normal at the end of her run. So aaron is directly responsible the current mess and the sex negativity.